How important is paper? What do you use it for? Get into pairs: How important is paper? What do you use it for?
Paper Making By: Lynea Axelson
History Took up to 3000 years to invent paper! Originated in China around 100 BC Ts’ai Lun first to start a paper making industry Made his paper by mixing chopped mulberry bark and hemp rags with water, mashing it flat, then pressing out the water and letting it dry.
Pam Shaw
John Babcock
John Babcock
Directions Pick out about 10 medium sized paper scraps Tear them into smaller pieces (about the size of a quarter) Put the torn pieces of paper into a blender Fill the blender half way with water Blend the paper/water to create pulp Pour the pulp into a paper making screen Spread the pulp evenly throughout the screen Take the screen out, set it on a white rack, press on the paper with a sponge to get the water out Once most of the water is out, start to peel a corner back Once the paper is peeled all the way off the screen set it on a piece of fabric to dry