WASH Infrastructure Mapping WASH Sector, Cox’s Bazar, 01 October 2017
Objectives The objectives of this mapping exercise are: To provide an initial spatial baseline of available basic services for each camp and site hosting Rohyinga refugees To inform WASH sector gap analysis and camp-site level response planning To regularly monitor WASH services availability through regular updates
Camp/Site mapping process Collect Satellite Imagery Every day, in Geneva, UNOSAT verify the availability and the quality of new satellite imagery Analyse Satellite Imagery Based on the available imagery, the camp/site is analysed to identify and map all existing shelters and major constructions Collect Infrastructure Data At field leve, a team of REACH enumerator « sweep » systematically the camps/sites to collect location and data on all existing infrastructures Map and Analyse Infrastructure data Sat imagery analysis plus infrastructure data are overlayed through maps Gaps are identified and inform site level planning
Mapping Products Baseline Monitoring Round Shelter Count Map Infrastucture Map Camp/Site WASH Factsheet Other maps when relevant Monitoring Round Infrastructure Map Camp/Site Factsheet
Seq. Field Data Collection Status Imagery Analysis 1 Hakimpara Complete 2 Baggoha/Potibonia 3 Jamtoli 4 Burmapara Underway 5 Roikhong Pending 6 Leda 7 Nayapara RC n/a UNHCR Nayapara 8 Kutupalong Extension 9 Shamlapur 10 Mainnerghona 11 Kutupalong Makeshift 12 Kutupalong RC
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