Ohios Lake Erie Balanced Growth Program Chris Riddle – Ohio Lake Erie Commission Kirby Date – Cleveland State University
Protect and Restore Lake Erie
Recommendation H-8: Commission a Balanced Growth Blue Ribbon Task Force, comprised of property owners, government officials, business leaders, conservationists, academia, agriculture and other stakeholder groups to be charged with advising the Lake Erie Commission on ways to: Develop strategies that will balance the protection of the Lake Erie watershed with continued economic growth. Lake Erie Protection & Restoration Plan:
What is Balanced Growth? Key Aspects of Balanced Growth Minimizes new appropriations and legislation Only one legislative recommendation Maximizes incentive based initiatives Honors Ohios Home Rule tradition Focuses on ecological protection/restoration Balanced Growth is a strategy to protect and restore Lake Erie and its watersheds to assure long-term economic competitiveness and quality of life.
Planning Framework Voluntary Incentive Based Watershed as the regional scale Identify Priority Conservation Areas Identify Priority Development Areas
Best Local Land Use Practices Ohio Lake Erie Commission Balanced Growth Initiative Kirby Date, AICP, Countryside Program Coordinator
Location of development for minimum impact Management and control of storm water and erosion Protection of riparian and wetland areas so they can do their job as free infrastructure Protection of scenic, historic and natural resources to help retain our great place Local Governments Can Have a Big Impact on Watershed and Community Quality
3 Model Ordinances coastalprotection surface water management meadow protection Best Local Land Use Practices
Comprehensive Planning Conservation Development Compact Development Transfer of Development Rights Steep Slope Protection Historic Preservation Source Water Protection Woodland Protection Access Management Brownfields Redevelopment Scenic Protection Agricultural Protection Best Local Land Use Practices 11 Guidance Documents
Top Priority Best Local Land Use Practices 1. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING Have a comprehensive plan that meets minimum standards; update it every 3 to 5 years
2. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT Adopt storm water management and erosion control regulations for design and construction Top Priority Best Local Land Use Practices
3. STREAM AND WETLAND SETBACKS Adopt stream and wetland setback zoning regulations Top Priority Best Local Land Use Practices
4. MEADOW PROTECTION Modify mowing ordinances to allow natural meadows under controlled conditions Top Priority Best Local Land Use Practices
5.CONSERVATION DEVELOPMENT Apply Conservation Development, with adequate standards, where appropriate Top Priority Best Local Land Use Practices
ConventionalConservation Development 40-50% Permanent Open Space Quality Open Space Resource Protection Appropriate Development Intensity
6. COMPACT DEVELOPMENT Apply Compact Development where appropriate Top Priority Best Local Land Use Practices
2009 Training Program Ongoing awareness sessions Expanded technical workshops Case studies showing costs- benefits of Best Practices Case studies of development implications of Best Practices Continued technical assistance to local communities Work with OWRC on statewide BLLUP initiative
One Maritime Plaza, 4 th Floor Toledo, OH P: E: W: Kirby Date, AICP Countryside Program Coordinator