Eurostat Task force on victimisation surveys, 28-29 June 2007 Agenda Point 5 : Eurostat call for proposals concerning translating and testing the draft EU victimisation survey module 1
Eurostat Task force on victimisation surveys, 28-29 June 2007 Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee – “Developing a comprehensive and coherent EU strategy to measure crime and criminal justice : an EU Action Plan 2006-2010” Point 4.3 Establishment and implementation of a methodology for regular data collection for common indicators Stage 1 : Establish a methodology for a common survey (module) on victimisation mid-2007 Stage 2 : Translate and test a common survey (module) on victimisation 2007-2008 Stage 3 : Implement a common survey (module) on victimisation 2008-2009 1
DG JLS Framework Partnerships Eurostat Task force on victimisation surveys, 28-29 June 2007 Financing : Step 1 DG JLS Framework Partnerships Five types of action, including ‘EU statistics on crime and criminal justice’ Agreements to be signed in July 2007 Partnerships may remain in force for up to 4 years 1
Eurostat call for proposals to translate and test survey (module) Eurostat Task force on victimisation surveys, 28-29 June 2007 Financing : Step 2 Eurostat call for proposals to translate and test survey (module) Only possible for Framework Partners Restricted call for proposals/direct submission Email to be sent to selected framework partners in July/August Deadline for proposals about 30 September 2007 Evaluation in October 2007 Signature of contracts December 2007 Action to run for 12 months 70% of total expenditure funded (with justification, 95%) 1
Eurostat Task force on victimisation surveys, 28-29 June 2007 Financing : Step 2 Eurostat call for proposals to translate and test common survey (module) Documents Application form see Doc. ESTAT/CR/TF2007/5 Technical Description of Action see Doc. ESTAT/CR/TF2007/2 Annex – Questionnaire to translate & test see Doc. ESTAT/CR/TF2007/3 1
Technical description of action Eurostat Task force on victimisation surveys, 28-29 June 2007 Technical description of action Objectives Expected results Indicative timetable Eligibility, exclusion and selection criteria Award criteria 1
Eurostat Task force on victimisation surveys, 28-29 June 2007 Application form General information Information on persons responsible for the action Information on the action Detailed description Expected results Brief timetable Details of estimated expenditure Item 1 Staff costs Item 2 Travel/subsistence costs Item 3 Costs of purchasing equipment Item 4 Costs of consumables and supplies Item 5 Costs of subcontracting Item 6 Other direct costs Item 7 Eligible indirect costs/general costs (flat rate 7% of total above) 1
Thank you for your attention Eurostat Task force on victimisation surveys, 28-29 June 2007 Thank you for your attention 1