Total War. K: The impact of war on the economy and society U: The extent to which there was a ‘Total War’ S: Research, discussion and categorisation
Outcomes All can describe measures taken by the government and the changes brought to the economy and society. E-D Most can explain why government control was extended and why features of British life changed. C Some explain some of the limitations of using the term ‘Total War’ in the context of WWI. B-A
The Social Impact of Total War The distillation technique – to summarise the key points from a text Read section on Social Change in AQA text pages 42-44, up to the section on the position of women. Pick out and bullet point the 5 most important points covered in that section of text.
The Social Impact of Total War War improved living standards of working class, but lowered living standards of middle and upper classes Greater social mobility, but clear class division remained War would raise expectations of all social groups. After the war this would put added pressure on the government to deliver Traditional values of the family unit / religion / imperialism were weakened First World War was still not a ‘Total War’ on the scale of the Second World War.
Total War – Economic and Social Impact Use the information you have read and considered this lesson and last lesson to complete your notes. They must cover these issues: Industry Transport Labour/workers/trade unions, Food and drink Social classes Social beliefs and attitudes NB. Do not cover media and women as these are separate sub-topics in subsequent lessons.
Plenary Which areas saw the greatest impact? Is the term ‘Total War’ appropriate in economic, political and social terms?