Chinese Pinyin 中文拚音
Initials Group 1: b, p, m, f d, t, n, l
Initials Group 2: g, k, h, j, q, x
Initials Group 3: zh, ch, sh, r z, c, s y, w
Final: Single Final : a o e i u ü
Final a Family - ai ao an ang
Final o Family - ou ong
Final e Family - ei er en eng
Final i Family - ia ie iu in iao ian ing iang iong
Final u Family - ua ui uo un uai uan uang
Final ü Family- üe ün üan
Direct Pinyin Group 1 :zhi chi shi ri zi ci si yi wu
Direction Pinyin Group 2 yu (ü) ye (ie)
Direct Pinyin Group 3 yue (üe) yin(in) yun(ün ) yuan (üan) ying(ing)
only makes sounds with “ i , ü” family. Simple Rules of Chinese Pinyin: 1. “ j q x ” only makes sounds with “ i , ü” family.
2. “g k h” does not make sounds with “ I” family.
3. “zh ch sh r z c s y “and “ I ” makes the same sound as themselves but with a little long and heavier tone; and they do not make sounds with rest of the “ i “ family.
4. “b p m f ” does not make sounds with “ u” family.
pinyin (hua xian zi) wo Betty y7A (7mus)