Epilepsy12 round 3 data platform How to re-set your password and update your user profile as a Site Editor/Site Reader after being added as a user by your Designated Lead
How to reset your password How to reset your password and profile after being added as a user by your Designated Lead Epilepsy12 Health Board/Trust and EEG Service Designated leads will be able to add users to the Epilepsy12 platform for their own unit and set their levels of access permissions (see the user types guide). Once the Designated lead has added you to system, follow the steps outlined within this guide to re-set your password and access and manage your profile.
How to reset your password Step 1 After your Designated Lead has added you to the system you will receive an automated e-mail which will provide you with a link to reset your password. Clicking on the link will take you to the ‘Request Password Reset’ page. From there, enter your e-mail address for the username then click on the “Email password reset link” button.
How to reset your password Step 2 You should then receive notification that a link to reset your password has been sent to your registered email address. Check for the email and follow the link within it to reset your new password.
How to reset your password Step 3 Follow the link in the email to the ‘Reset Password’ page. Enter your e-mail address for the ‘username’. Then enter your new password and confirm it again before clicking on the “Reset” button. You will then receive confirmation of a successful reset of you password.
Changing your user profile Managing your account using the ‘My profile’ tab Your can make changes to your user profile by accessing the My profile tab. Your User name will always remain as per your original registered email address. You can however make edits to your Full name and your email address* by changing them and clicking on the “Update settings” button and they will be saved. *Please note that the email suffix must end in either “nhs.net” or “nhs.uk”, and that personal emails cannot be used. NB, if you leave your registered Health Board/Trust, or relocate to another Health Board/Trust, during the audit period please contact the Epilepsy12 project team immediately at epilepsy12@rcpch.ac.uk so that they can update your details
Contact the Epilepsy12 project team For more information, or if you have any queries in relation to this guide, please get in touch with the team using the contact details below. Epilepsy12@rcpch.ac.uk 0207 092 6168/6170 www.rcpch.ac.uk/epilepsy12