Automatic processing to restore data of MODIS band 6 Zhenglong Li Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic sciences
Introduction/Motivation The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is a 36-spectral-band VIS/NIR/IR sensor MODIS is a great success to help better understand global change, to assist policy makers in making sound decisions concerning the protection of our environment Due to sensor problem, 40% of the data of band 6 on Terra/MODIS is bad. Other 60% are good. This band of Aqua/MODIS has been widely used for detection of snow/cloud/aerosol. Results using various methods are shown in the report. The best results are shown here.
(Hurricane Isabel on September 17, 2003) An image of MODIS band 6 (Hurricane Isabel on September 17, 2003) How to use the 60% good data to correct the 40% bad data?
Scattering between band 6 and band 7 R=0. 9538 for 1,100,802 samples band 6 ( x-coordinate) band 7 ( y-coordinate) Band 6 = 0.0119+1.599*band7
The reconstructed imagery original image using linear regression
The reconstructed original image ----Wiener Filter
The difference between regression and Wiener Filter
Last version of reconstructed image----Median filter