07 June 1998, 13:08 UTC, NOAA 14, Czech Republic If the top of a cell has penetrated into the tropopause or the lower stratosphere then the cloud top temperature in the middle of the dome will be warmer than the surrounding area, supposing that the cloud top is in thermal equilibrium with its environment. Cloud top at thermal equilibrium with its environment NIMH – EUMETSAT workshop, 25 – 29 September 2006 Sofia, Bulgaria Martin Setvák
07 June 1998, 13:08 UTC, NOAA 14, Czech Republic The overshooting top is much colder than the environment due to adiabatic cooling. Cloud top at thermal equilibrium with its environment, and with an overshooting top (penetrating “bubble”) NIMH – EUMETSAT workshop, 25 – 29 September 2006 Sofia, Bulgaria Martin Setvák
Main storm top features as seen by satellite (25 June 2006) NIMH – EUMETSAT workshop, 25 – 29 September 2006 Sofia, Bulgaria Martin Setvák