2*4 Projectile Motion: Launching Things into the Air WDYS? (p174) Apple = Therefore, WDYT? (p174) The distance the projectile travels through the air and where it lands is determined by ???
Youtube Video “Cue Ball Gun” 2*4 Investigate (p174) Youtube Video “Cue Ball Gun”
2*4 Investigate (p174) ***ONLY IF it is the SAME OBJECT falling You observed two cue balls as they fell from a machine, where one was dropped and the other shot off the table Both of the cue balls, ONE DROPPED & ONE SHOT hit the ground _________________________________. ***ONLY IF it is the SAME OBJECT falling from the SAME HEIGHT, it will hit the ground at the SAME TIME***
MythBusters “Bullet Drop” 2*4 Investigate (p174) MythBusters “Bullet Drop”
2*4 Investigate (p174) If I vary the INITIAL VELOCITY of the objects… One will be thrown FAST: One will be thrown SLOW: How does the initial velocity effect the drop time? How does the initial velocity effect the range?
2*4 Investigate (p174) If I vary the HEIGHT of the objects: One will be thrown HIGHER: One will be thrown LOWER: How does the height effect the drop time? How does the height effect the range?
2*4 Investigate Conclusion: In ALL projectiles, ______ affects the drop time for projectiles _________ and __________affect the range for projectiles
2*4 Physics Talk (p177-178) Any hit or thrown ball travels HORIZONTALLY and VERTICALLY HORIZONTAL VELOCITY remains the SAME (if there is NO air resistance) VERTICAL VELOCITY is constantly CHANGING (due to gravity it’s an UNBALANCED FORCE!!!)
***Believing is Seeing*** 2*4 Physics Talk (p177-178) Projectiles and Trajectories The HORIZONTALLY-thrown object AND the DROPPED object hit the ground at the SAME TIME WHY??? This occurs because there is NO AIR RESISTANCE acting against it ***Believing is Seeing***
Horizontal Velocity Remains Constant 2*4 Investigate (p174) Horizontal Velocity Remains Constant
***Look at the Diagram!!!*** 2*4 Physics Talk (p177-178) The HORIZONTAL MOTION does NOT affect its downward motion The VERTICAL MOTION is the SAME for both the thrown and dropped objects (but the velocity is constantly changing because of gravity it’s an unbalanced force) The path the object (projectile) takes is called the TRAJECTORY ***Look at the Diagram!!!***
2*4 Investigate Conclusion ***Look at the Diagram AGAIN!!!*** The object changes velocity the same at every second…it changes at a rate of 10m/s/s is known as GRAVITY!!!
2*4 Ticket Out The Door Socrative Exit Ticket (Room Name: Adamisin) Answer the 2 questions in the exit ticket, then provide an answer to the following for #3: If a pen and a ruler are thrown from the same height at the same time, will they hit the ground at the same time? Why or why not?