The Atmosphere & Climate Change! Yellow = Do not write Green = Super Important! White = Still Important (paraphrase)
Weather VS Climate! Weather is the type of condition an area is in at a certain moment of time. Climate is the average of weather over a period of time. Example: It’s going to rain cat’s and dog’s today = Weather During this time of the year there is usually 4 inches of rain a week = Climate
Atmosphere Atmosphere: The cloak of gases surrounding the earth or other planets. Things to know about the atmosphere: What is it’s composition/layers? What is latitude? Why is our tilt important? What is El Nino? What is the Ozone layer?
Atmospheric Composition: Troposphere: lowest level of the atmosphere, all weather happens here! Stratosphere: Ozone later is found here, most planes fly here, High amount of UV radiation, & very hot here! Mesosphere: It get’s very cold here, meteors burn up in this part of the atmosphere! Thermosphere: Basically in space, it’s extremely hot here but the air is so thin it feels cold. 900F-3000F Most of our satellites orbit in this layer! Exosphere: This sphere is the last layer between earth and space. At this layer some of our gases leak out into space.
The Ozone Layer! What is the ozone layer? Layer of Ozone (O3) found inside the stratosphere. Ozone absorbs UV radiation. Why is this a good thing? What is happening to it? CFC’s (Chlorofluorocarbons) which were used for AC, fridges, and Aerosols reacted with the oxygen molecules and broke up parts of the ozone layer causing a hole to appear. Good News: we have phased out CFC’s and replaced them, since doing this the ozone hole has repaired itself! Why is important?
Damaging Effects of UV light Who Get’s Harmed? Damaging Effects of UV light Human Increased skin cancer, premature aging of skin, increased cataracts, weakened immune system. Amphibians Death of eggs, genetic mutations, reduction in population. Marine Life Death of phytoplankton (they produce 50% of our oxygen), Disrupts the food chain (Phytoplankton are at the bottom of the food chain and are the most important producers!) Land Plants Photosynthesis malfunction, crop yields deplete = less food and money
Latitude: Latitude: The distance from the equator in degrees north or south of the equator. Equator = 0 Degrees North Pole = 90 Degrees South Pole = 90 Degrees What’s between 0-30 degrees? What’s between 30-60 degrees? What’s between 60-90 degrees?
0-30 Degrees = The tropics and subtropics. Less seasonal change 0-30 Degrees = The tropics and subtropics. Less seasonal change. Their seasons are the wet and dry season. 30-60 Degrees = Daylight varies, less sun hitting this part of the earth. Seasonal changes like fall, winter, spring, and summer. 60-90 Degrees = Daylight variations are higher, sun doesn’t set or rise for months! Very Cold!
This is where life would be able to live! Earth’s Tilt The earth is at a slight tilt (about 23.5 degrees) Why is it important? Without earth’s tilt we wouldn’t have the seasons. The equator would be perpetually warm, but everything above 30 degrees latitude would be too cold! We wouldn’t be able to live anywhere else! This is where life would be able to live! We owe all our lives because the moon hit earth 4.5 BYA and caused the tilt!
El Nino! What is El Nino? – Short term change in warm water/air currents in the pacific. Normal Year: Cold water/wind off of South America moves across the pacific and gets warmer. The now warm water/wind brings moisture to Australia and Indonesia! El Nino year: These currents switch. Warm water/air moves across the pacific to the east! This warm/water air causes strong storms to hit south America, but also leaves Australia and Indonesia in droughts!