Civil Society Advisory Mechanisms in EU Trade Agreements Krzysztof Pater
Owerview of „New Era” EU Trade Agreements EU-Central America EU-Cariforum EU-Georgia EU-Korea EU-Ukraine EU-Moldova EU-Canada EU-Colombia, Peru, Ecuador
New Era of EU Trade Agreemeents Chapter on trade and sustainable development in all free trade agreements Monitoring role for civil society
Some Calendar Data Agreement Entry into force 1/07/2011 1/07/2016 21/09/2017 (prov.) 1st EU DAG meeting 29/05/2012 25/06/2015 2018 1st joint meeting with Partners’ DAG 27/06/2012 08/07/2015 Number of EU DAG meetings 16 4 2 joint meetings 6 3 1
Some Facts About Membership in EU DAGs Mixed selection of members – EESC + DG Trade The EESC division into 3 groups is the starting point Balanced representation - economic, social and environmental issues must be covered Independence of members is a must Differences in the number of various DAGs members 2.5 years mandate
General Scheme of Work 3 EU DAG meetings in the calendar year Joint meetings back-to back the meeting of the Committee on Trade and Sustainable Development – once a year with rotation meeting place Two concepts of joint meetings – „open” amd „closed”
The Key Role of the First Year Balanced DAGs must be established by both sides Secretariats must start the work The concept of the first joint meeting must be agreed via e-mails Drafts of joint rules of procedure must be prepared The role of the DAGs chairpersons
Civil Society Advisory Mechanism in EU – Japan EPA Balanced representation of independent economic, social and environmental stakeholders, including employers' and workers' organisations and environmental groups, in the domestic advisory group or groups; Internal consultative process with DAG or DAGs; Joint Dialogue starting within one year; not only DAGs members.