The Fall of the Byzantine Empire with Greek/Roman Culture, and The Rise of Islam Religion and Empires
The Bedouins Nomadic people of Arabia Mixture of polytheistic religions, Jews and Christians in the region Caravans between minor trading cities and oasis
Map of Arabia
A Bedouin
More Bedouins
Bedouin Women
Muhammad Creator of Islam- new monotheistic faith - From Mecca - Went to the mountains/meditation receives revelations from God - Quits job and preaches, other tribes do not like him and kick him out of Mecca Muhammad in Medina -unites tribes, takes control of Medina - Goes back and takes Mecca Sparks the conquests of the Arabs across 3 continents
The Conquests Over a period of 200 years the Arabs conquered land from Arabia West across northern Africa and Spain, east to Persia and north to Asia Minor (Turkey)
Arab Warrior
Why were they successful in creating a large Empire? Power Vacuum after the Fall of the Roman Empire - Byzantines not strong - No major Kingdoms were standing in there way Arab warriors faith inspired victory Unique fighting style
Area conquered by the Arabs
Arab Government Set up as a Theocracy - Laws derived from the Koran - The highest official was the Caliph - Goal of government was to spread Islamic religion, law and culture - Complete departure from the Greek/Roman Culture that denominated the area for 1,000 years
The Downfall of the Arab Empires (but not Islam) Spain and North African countries wanted their own local rulers (Caliphs) The Seljuk Turks: Nomads from Asia - Defeated Arab armies and took control of Baghdad - Converted to Islam - Let the Arabs and Persians remain as religious leaders, but not political
Turkish Warriors
Expansion of the Ottoman Empire
Decline of Ottoman Empire
Later Muslim Empires Ottomans - Seljuk Turks weakened - Osman: took control (Ottoman) - Defeated the Byzantine Empire - Empire covered a vast area - Hung around till the end of WWI, 600 years - Janissaries: feared special forces of the Ottomans - Former Christians taken from home
Suleiman the Magnificent Most famous Ottoman Emperor Highly educated Extended the Ottoman Emperor greatly Ruled for 46 years (1520-1566) Reconstructed the legal system