Our Hope For Our Future Is Our Children


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Presentation transcript:

Our Hope For Our Future Is Our Children

“We cannot change yesterday. We can only make the most of today, And look forward with hope toward tomorrow”   In Aboriginal Infant Development Programs, we believe that supporting a child and family promotes health and wellness for the early years of life. Our work with families in the home, using traditional and contemporary practices and teachings, will contribute to health and wellbeing of children, families and communities.

Inter-generational Trauma social modeling may have some impact of children who witness domestic violence. cognitive factors may be explored, such as How parents, peers, community and culture mold the scripts, beliefs and attitudes that influence violent behavior in youth; How these scripts and beliefs interact with the experience of a particular moment to cause a person to behave violently; The extent to which the kind of thinking characteristic of more aggressive youth is linked to early temperament or cognitive abilities.

Healthy Relationships There are signs that you and your child has good attachment There are signs that may show attachment problems

Seven Sacred Teachings and the Teachings of our Elder’s Finding Our Way… Seven Sacred Teachings and the Teachings of our Elder’s Love Respect Courage Honesty Wisdom Humility Truth

Elder Teachings

Elder Teachings

Cowichan Teachings… Be truthful in all you do and say Each person is important Honour the Elder’s Everything is nature is part of our family – we are all relatives Live in harmony with nature Take care of the earth and take only what you need Be positive Take care of your health Enjoy today Share what you have Be truthful in all you do and say Do the best you can do, be the best you can be. Learn from one another Respect the rights of one another Respect your leaders and their decisions Respect your neighbours Respect women, they are givers of life Respect the sacredness of children

Respectful Relations Rites and rituals related to growing and learning Learning through work, games and fun Learning about the natural world (food and medicine) Importance of grandparents and Elders

Respectful Relations Importance of loving, nurturing relationships with parents or caregiver. Importance of friendships with older siblings and cousins. Importance of cross-generations interaction Importance of relationships with peers/school Importance of relationships community and culture.

Aboriginal World View… Mental Physical Spiritual Emotional Mastery Belonging Independence Generosity

Programs that are successful in reaching and helping the most vulnerable children and families typically offer a broad spectrum of services. They don’t say “that’s not my department” Successful programs realize that families cannot respond to ECD Services if they have “untidy basketfuls” of family or parent needs, such as food security, housing, poverty etc. Social and emotional support for families might be the only support a parent needs at the moment… Successful programs will see the child as a hole, in the context if his family, community and culture. Elders remind me often that children don’t come in pieces or domains. Canoe story…

Sp’e’qum Children were regarded as sp’e’qum… a flower that needs nourishment, love and care. Think of our children as a garden, they need a place to show their beauty and pride. To increase the overall knowledge of issues relating to women – most notably, violence against women and reproductive health; • To motivate and enhance the capacity of women leaders and community members to respond to cases of domestic violence and deliver reproductive health services; and, • To improve and create safety in relevant services to women in the community. The 13

Feeling Cherished Feeling Loved Feeling Special

We stand here to make a difference How we walk determines where our children go… Do it for yourself and it will happen for the children… We are their future…