What is BBC Children in Need? BBC Children in Need is a charity that aims to change the lives of disadvantaged young people and children across the UK. Founded in 1980, the charity has raised over £950 million for projects around the UK and at present, BBC Children in Need support 2,600 projects. A large portion of donations come from the public and school fundraising events – meaning that students up and down the country take part and do their bit to help. One of the biggest events associated with BBC Children in Need is the Appeal Show, which takes place on the 16th of November this year. What else do you know about BBC Children in Need? Does your school encourage you to take part in fundraising activities? What sort of activities do you do already?
What’s your thing? Share your ideas as a group. This year, BBC Children in Need are encouraging you to do your thing to raise money for good causes across the UK. Everyone has a thing and it could be anything! BBC Children in Need are encouraging you to turn your thing into a fundraising idea. What’s your thing? Share your ideas as a group. Visit the BBC Children in Need website to order a fundraising kit.
“We Could Do More!” “I think it would be nice to take some time out of lessons to take part in sporting activities! We could put on a charity football match or hockey game. Us versus the teachers! We could ask people who come to watch to make a small donation and we’d get loads of people in on it! And, obviously, we’d win.” “We could do the old-fashioned non-uniform day! There’s nothing better than coming to school wearing your own clothes for a change and demanding that the teachers come dressed up in something funny. In fact, we could convince the headteacher to come in fancy dress if we raise enough!”
“We Could Do More!” “Get baking! Everyone likes cakes, biscuits and sweet treats. We could even do the baking during food technology classes, that way we wouldn’t even be taking time out the school day to do it! We could also do a cake raffle! Someone could make a huge cake and we could take donations for raffle tickets!” “I have a great idea… at the start of the day, we could all hand our phones over to our form tutor who could lock them away for the day. If we want them back desperately enough before the end of school, we would have to donate to get them! Some of us wouldn’t last 15 minutes. We’d raise a fortune!” What do you think? Discuss these ideas in your group. Do you have any ideas of your own?
"We Need More Time!" “I just have so much to do! Marking, GCSE revision sessions, reports… there aren’t enough hours in the day for me to be baking or losing embarrassingly in a footie match to year 9s. I would encourage everyone to donate what they can to BBC Children in Need but we just haven’t got time to plan all of these wonderful ideas!” “Donating to charity is a worthy thing to do, and we always encourage students, visitors and staff to pop a pound or two into our donation jar by reception when they have some change! Organising a fundraising event takes quite a lot of time and work, and unfortunately, as teachers, we’re often quite busy! We have a non-uniform day on the day itself, and we raise what we can there!” Do you agree with these statements? Does your teacher? What would you suggest to these busy teachers that might change their mind?
Could your school do more for BBC Children in Need? BBC Children in Need rely on donations from schools just like yours to change the lives of the most disadvantaged children and young people in the UK. Could your school do more for BBC Children in Need? Use the Letter to the Head Activity Sheet to convince your headteacher that you could do more to support BBC Children in Need. Use the Fundraising Action Plan Activity Sheet to plan a fundraising event that you could do as a form/tutor group.