OR 217 Interchange Management Study John Bosket, PE A la carte planning for an unpredictable fiscal future
120,000 ADT Beaverton Regional Center Downtown Portland Washington Square Regional Center Tigard Town Center
12 interchanges in 7 miles 2 lanes
2 nd Least reliable freeway
60% Non-recurrent congestion
70% 50% Rear end collisions Crashes in AM and PM peak periods
Photo by Michael Marcovici
Photo by Steve Rhodes
Is there a project we can afford that will make a difference?
mobilityreliability safety cos t
1. System management 2. Ramp management 3. Surface streets 4. Interchange improvements
1. System management 2. Ramp management 3. Surface streets 4. Interchange improvements
A menu of compatible projects
A range of project costs
A menu of compatible projects A range of project costs Flexible funding
A menu of compatible projects A range of project costs Flexible funding All projects advance the objective of improving reliability and safety
1.5 miles of shoulder widening Ramp meter upgrades 28 dynamic message signs on mainline and arterials Full detection and communications upgrades All new pavement By 2013
We can make a difference with less money
So…? Please keep sharing
John Bosket, PE