Decisions towards Christ GOD'S ACTIVITY Wooing of the Spirit Regenerating Sanctifying Mini-Decision Process Mini-Decision Process Mini-Decision Process Mini-Decision Process Mini-Decision Process Mini-Decision Process Mini-Decision Process ETC. Developing Awareness Turning Nurturing HUMAN ACTIVITY
Issues in Decision-Making How do we know if the decision is (was) a good decision? What is the main goal in making the decision? How should decisions be implemented? Must a decision be made? Is there a person or group that is responsible to make the decision? By what criteria are decisions made?
The Engel Scale Communicator’s Role God’s Role Our Response -8 General Revelation Proclamation Awareness of Supreme Being but no effective knowledge of the Gospel Initial awareness of Christ Awareness of the fundamentals of the Gospel Grasp of implications of Gospel Positive attitude toward Gospel Personal problem recognition Decision to Act Repentance and faith in Christ Conviction -7 -6 -5 -4 Rejection -3 -2 -1 Persuasion Regeneration New Creature
The “Living Proof” Scale PHASE Cultivation Sowing Harvesting The seed = Gospel truth The grain = Reproduced life of Jesus Christ Picture The soil = human hearts Speaks to the heart through relationship. Focus on caring. Speaks to the mind through revelation. Focus on com- munication. Speaks to the will for a faith response. Focus on conversion. Explanation The presence of the believer. Building a friendship bridge. Presentation of the gospel. Giving understanding of truth. Persuasion. Encouraging a meaningful decision of faith. Emphasis Indifference Antagonism Ignorance Error Indecision Love of darkness Obstacles Nicodemus (John 4) Woman at well (John 4) Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8) Woman at well (John 4) Philippian jailer (Acts 16) Woman at well (John 4) Examples ✸ -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 MINI-DECISIONS Some of the specific `mini- decisions' that could be made in each phase. First aware of Bible’s relevance to life. Understands meaning and implications. Going his or her own way. Has positive attitude toward message Aware of difference in messenger. Has positive attitude towards Bible. Aware of basics of the Gospel. Has positive attitude towards Gospel. Recognized personal need. Aware of messenger. Decides to act. Repents and believes. New creature in Christ