Shoes of the Gospel of Peace Session 4 25/12/2018 Victory in Session 4: Shoes of the Gospel of Peace Dr Tony Evans Spiritual Warfare Bishop's Itchington Homegroup
WELCOME & NOTICES Comfort Notices Toilets Refreshments Times Church Notices (See the “Tiddler”) March 22 - Worsumba April 22 – AGM 20,21&23 – Deeper 2018 Group Notices March 24 – LHoP Training Day - Reading 26 – Easter break – No HG April 09 – HG starts again
TESTIMONY TIME Specific Answers to Prayer Personal Blessings, or notable Progress with 5’s, or other Church Local Community … little things that has cheered us up, or made us think!
COURSE CONTENT The War Revealed And Strongholds Defined, The Belt of Truth, The Breastplate of Righteousness, The Shoes of The Gospel of Peace, The Shield of Faith, The Helmet of Salvation, The Sword of The Spirit, The Word of God, The Full Armour In Real Life.
GETTING STARTED Share one particular insight you gained through your personal devotions this week? Why does your personal righteousness serve as protection for your heart? The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace. What is the Gospel?
PLAY THE VIDEO! Video sessions are available to purchase at:
GROUP DISCUSSION Share an experience when you would have liked to be more spiritually stable? How does understanding the Gospel bring peace? In what one situation in your life right now are you longing for peace?
Not calm , but that you are at rest when everything else is wrong. CONCLUSION PEACE Not calm , but that you are at rest when everything else is wrong. PUTTING ON THE SHOES Attacks should be taken back to the Spiritual realm and replaced to find the calming power of Peace. THE GOSPEL A special, rarely used word for Good News. Jesus substitute for our sin. WHAT ARE THE SHOES? Gives you traction, mobility in battle and makes you hard to knock down.. BEYOND CIRCUMSTANCE Believe in His power, His wisdom and His presence. Meshach, Shadrach & Abednego.
GET IN THE FIGHT MEMORY VERSE “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the Peace of God, which surpasses every thought , will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:6-7 HCSB Send a prayer email to your study group for a situation that is causing anxiety. Anytime you find yourself worrying about something , quote the above verse to yourself.
LET’S PRAY Ephesians 6:18 James 5:13 “Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere..” NLT Specific situations, Prayer 5’s, Local Situations, International News. James 5:13 “Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises...” NLT