There are several new subjects for 2018 so check out our website!
What’s New? Stage 2: Stage 1: Ancient Studies Digital Art Drama Ess English Journalism Health Level Up AGFA PLP North of Silk Rd Product Design & Creation The Artists Mind What’s New? Stage 2: Ancient Studies Drama Music Technology Projection Mapping Sports Studies
All students will be emailed a direct link Open Outlook in class and follow the instructions to Web Preferences This a ‘student survey’ to find out Which? subjects & When?
Students who are returning to NASC in 2018 Identify the subjects they would like to do. We will use this information to construct our 2018 timetable.
TIPS Students are only selecting subjects for one semester They can select up to 5 units which would be a full time load Some courses such as VET and Academies count as several units.
Some sections MUST be answered Students will not be able to save if they do not complete these
This will NOT replace the actual subject selection process. Later this term Coaches will work with all continuing students to select appropriate courses.
Selection Instructions Please select your subjects in order of YOUR PREFERENCE i.e. Number 1 is your most preferred subject etc. If you make a mistake you can enter your choices a second time.
There will be links to Websites Please check the Curriculum information on the NASC site for subject details. Students aged under 21 will also have a link to the CLC Course site