Senior Project Fields of Study: or HELP ME! What Am I Going To Do!?!? Mr. Falls and Mrs. LaRoue
Selecting a Research Area Make it MATTER! To you, to your audience. Select something you are passionate about, something you are involved in, something you want to change, or something you REALLY want to learn about. YOU have to live with this for the rest of the year. Choose well. Good luck. We’re all counting on you.
Fields of Study A field of study is the primary area of research for your project. The categories and possible topic areas are listed on the next slides All categories may be somewhat flexible. Discuss this with your teacher Choose the one you think your research paper/action matches or the best fit
Art & Design Painting, sculpture, Photography Architecture Graphic Design / Use of color How impacted by cultures/societies, environment, etc. How do they impact cultures /societies, the environment
Business & Economics Comparing/studying economic systems Finance Economic Development Practical applications in a country / region or between countries Leadership Styles Globalization / Anti-globalization issues
Education & Global Issues US or other specific education systems: differences, similarities Awareness of or involvement in specific issues Career paths Instructional strategy Functions of schools: education or indoctrination
Environment & Energy Environmental studies Saving the whales or other critters Recycling/Global waste Oil dependence/Energy use/Green or Alt energy Deforestation/Reforestation Global climate change
Ethics & Belief Systems Studying/comparing world religions Religion in the 21st century Religions colliding/blending Philosophical/cultural glue Actions & reactions (as a result of the belief systems) Reconciling differing Ethical Systems
History & Literature Historical Analysis Comparative Literatures Genres Historical Process (do you use narrative?) Concepts, themes, patterns
Language & World Cultures Development of language(s) Death of language(s) Comparative cultural studies / When cultures collide Roots of culture Cultural Domination or Imperialism Impact of Social or Technological change on language/culture Blending of Culture
Media & Communication Global media analysis Intercultural communication and mis-communication Visual/Cultural interpretations Nike symbol, American flag, Got Milk Decline of newspapers / Rise of Social Media & Web Media’s influence on: Politics Economics Society, etc.
Political Science Campaigning strategy Voter turnout / Involvement or Apathy? Political systems Political theory Event analysis Terrorism Action & reaction (is politics a reaction to society or a creator of society?)
Science & Technology Medical advances / resource allocation / government involvement or subsidies / globalization of care providers Effects of technology on education Technology of tomorrow Growing division between the haves and have nots Leapfrogging Scientific theory
Assignment Choose your field of study, discuss with your teacher, potential faculty advisor, parents/guardians Confused? For all of the categories above, there are numerous possibilities Considering two? Pick the one that most relates to the base of knowledge necessary for your project or the area you are most interested in learning about in more depth