Options 2017
What’s new? More choice and a wider range of qualifications Students and parents able to make a more informed choice Taster year Increased parental involvement Extended option period Mentoring
Curriculum Core Subject Hours per cycle English 8 English Literature Maths Science (Combined) RE 4 Core PE (Not examined) 2 Total hours 30
Curriculum Options (20 hours) Subject Art History Business Studies iMedia Child Development Music Technology Design Technology Performing Arts Food PE French Photography Geography
What to consider Consider what you enjoy and what you are good at Consider assessment methods Keep your options open for progression post 16
Attendance Attendance KS2 Targets A B C D E F 1 99% 4a 4 7 2 78% 3
Timeline 18th April. Subject assemblies begin 2nd May. Mentoring begins 17th May. Options evening Explanation of the process Opportunity to meet mentor or to make an appointment for a more detailed discussion. 5th June. Preference forms to be completed and returned.
Preferences Option A Option B Option C Option D French Business Studies Art History Design Technology Geography Food Child Development PE Music Technology Photography iMedia Performing Arts
Preferences Option A Option B Option C Option D History Business Studies Art French Reserves Geography PE RMT We can’t guarantee that every student will get their first choice in every option column.