More on Rocks
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! You will have a lab test on Tuesday, December 5th, Day 7, Period 4 (one week from tomorrow). You will be doing this test by yourself, and it will cover some of the topics from this year and secondary 1. Make sure you are in class this Thursday, we will review for the exam.
Igneous rocks Igneous rocks are formed by magma that has cooled and hardened. There are 2 categories of igneous rock: 1. Intrusive These are rocks that are slowly cooled within the Earth’s crust. They usually have large crystals. Ex: Granite
Igneous rocks Igneous rocks are formed by magma that has cooled and hardened. There are 2 categories of igneous rock: 2. Extrusive These are rocks that quickly cool above the Earth’s crust, in air or water. Their crystals are small, and it can have air bubbles or appear glassy. Ex: Basalt Obsidian Pumice Scoria
Extrusive volcano Intrusive Volcano
Mont Royal is an _______ volcano.
Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary rocks are formed by deposited sediment. There are two different kinds: 1. Organic: These are made from debris of plants or other living things. Ex: Coal
Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary rocks are formed by deposited sediment. There are two different kinds: 2. Chemical: These are made from debris of non-living things. They form residue which hardens into sedimentary rocks.
How are sedimentary rocks formed? 1. Weathering This is when rocks are mechanically broken down into small pieces. This can be done by ice, tree roots, and acid.
How are sedimentary rocks formed? 1. Weathering This is when rocks are mechanically broken down into small pieces. This can be done by ice, tree roots, and acid. 2. Erosion This is when the small pieces that have broken off by weathering are transported somewhere else. This can be done by wind, water, etc.
How are sedimentary rocks formed? 1. Weathering This is when rocks are mechanically broken down into small pieces. This can be done by ice, tree roots, and acid. 2. Erosion This is when the small pieces that have broken off by weathering are transported somewhere else. This can be done by wind, water, etc. 3. Sedimentation This is when the small pieces are dropped off.
Metamorphic rock Metamorphic rocks are existing rocks that have been transformed by heat and/or pressure. There are 2 different kinds: 1. Contact: These are rocks that are transformed by being in contact with magma. They are changed by the intense heat. 2. Regional: These are rocks that are transformed by heat or pressure, but are not in direct contact with magma.
Rock Cycle Rocks can change from one type to another according to the rock cycle. Draw the following picture in your notes.