TG-DATA meeting. 7-8 June 2017, Copenhagen


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Presentation transcript:

TG-DATA meeting. 7-8 June 2017, Copenhagen Introduction to TG-DATA work 2017-2019 TG-DATA meeting. 7-8 June 2017, Copenhagen

TG-DATA meetings 3 years without meetings!!! TG-DATA Date 1st meeting 03 July 2012 2nd meeting 4-5 July 2013 3rd meeting 29-30 April 2014 4th meeting 7-8 June 2017 3 years without meetings!!!

TG-DATA work 2012- Draft mandate for a technical group to examine the issues of geographical visualization of reported information and on access to and standards for data 2013- DRAFT Strategy for implementation of MSFD Article 19(3) 2014- Eutrophication (D5) and Hazardous substance indicators (D8) and data flows 2017- New terms of reference: roadmap developped accordingly

MSFD CIS WP 2016-2019: terms of reference Composition/rules : The TG is a sub-group of the MSCG, in line with Article 7 of the MSCG rules of procedure. The TG is guided by the MSCG and reports on a regular basis to WG DIKE. The same rules of procedure as for MSCG apply Chaired by the European Environment Agency and France Participation: Member States (due to the technical nature of the TG, the representatives can differ from those attending WG DIKE) Stakeholder organisations members of the MSFD CIS: participation from RSCs is particularly encouraged additional experts may be involved for specific purposes: the selection of experts will be decided in consultation with the TG chairs and, when appropriate, with MS

TG DATA within CIS MSFD groups

MSFD CIS WP 2016-2019: terms of reference (extract- priority) The work of TG Data will lead to recommendations on issues requiring specific technical expertise related to: a) Accessing data and information according to MSFD Art. 19(3), in the context of WISE-Marine and associated to INSPIRE, EMODnet, and other relevant processes and projects; b) Geographic handling and visualisation of reported information; c) Technical proposals to WISE-Marine, including linkages to other reporting requirements (e.g. for Regional Sea Conventions, Water Framework Directive and the Nature Directives), and preparation of dissemination products, including mapped information;

Developing a roadmap for TG-DATA: lines of work Existing dataflows, actors & links: mapping ongoing initiatives, stakeholders and data that are collected and used within MSFD implementation Common vocabularies: agreement on vocabularies to use for MSFD data Common standards and formats: how to accommodate common standards for MSFD needs (e.g. INSPIRE, EMODnet/SeaDataNet) Grids: use of grids for assessments and links to the MRUs MRUs: definition of subdivisions within the subregions WISE-marine: access and visualisation of reported data, including indicators Implementation of Art.19.3: technical solutions that can be addressed Link with MSP Directive: how MSFD data can be used for MSP Directive implementation

TG-DATA: draft timelines 27 April 2017: present Roadmap in joint meeting of WG DIKE, GES & POMESA 07-08 June 2017: meeting at Copenhagen to cover lines of work 1, 2, 3 & 4 October 2017 (tbd): meeting to cover lines of work 2, 3, 5, 6 & 7 February 2018 (tbd): meeting to cover lines of work 2, 3 & 6 Spring 2018: recommendations for data standards and 2018 reporting presented in WG DIKE, approved and published as Guidance document 2019: meeting to cover lines of work 6 & 8 We are here!

Agenda meeting 7-8 June 2017, Copenhagen Wednesday 7 June 2017   1000 1 Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda EEA & France 1005 2 Introduction to TG-DATA work 2017-2019 1010 3 MSFD Article 19.3 implementation and links to 2018 reporting EEA 1020 4 INSPIRE Directive and its implementation 1050 EMODNET/SeaDataNet standards ICES (Neil) 1110 Standards used by Copernicus Marine Service Mercator Ocean 1130 Coffee 1145 Eionet dataflows: alignment with INSPIRE (WISE SoE & CDDA) 1215 Marine pilot: results and steps forward JRC 1245 Discussion and organisation of break-out sessions on the use of INSPIRE and other standards for marine data 1300 Lunch break 1400 1st round of BREAK-OUT SESSIONS 1500 2nd round of BREAK-OUT SESSIONS 1600 3rd round of BREAK-OUT SESSIONS 1700 Wrap-up and conclusions from the sessions 1730 End of the first day

Agenda meeting 7-8 June 2017, Copenhagen Thursday 8 June 2017   0900 4 Dataflows, actors & links France 0930 6 Discussion: publication of datasets (what format and how to publish) 1000 7 Discussion: use of vocabularies for marine data 1100 Coffee 1115 8 Marine Reporting Units: formats to be used EEA 1130 Use of grids for assessments: example of France geostandard EEA’s grids for marine assessments EEA/ETC-ICM 1230 Linking assessment units to reporting units: examples 1300 Lunch break 1400 9 WISE-Marine: update and discussion on what data and how to be shown 1500 10 AOB (e.g. MS plans/activities for the reporting process) 1530 11 Wrap-up and steps forward 1600 Close of the meeting