$40 FRIDAY FORE THE WILDLIFE: FUNDRAISER Benefiting Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation and education center COUNTRY CLUB OF THE POCONOS MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE 1445 BIG RIDGE DRIVE, EAST STROUDSBURG PA, 18302 FRIDAY, MAY 13TH | STARTING AT 8 AM Half the proceeds from every round played will go to Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center. Middle Smithfield Township will match that donation. Portions of merchandise and food and beverage sales will also be donated. There will be a 50/50 raffle throughout the day (do not need to be present to win) TO BOOK TEE TIMES CALL KEVIN AT 570-223-8099 OR VISIT CCPPAGOLF.COM
$40 FRIDAY FORE THE WILDLIFE: FUNDRAISER Benefiting Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation and education center COUNTRY CLUB OF THE POCONOS MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE 1445 BIG RIDGE DRIVE, EAST STROUDSBURG PA, 18302 FRIDAY, June 17TH | STARTING AT 8 AM Half the proceeds from every round played will go to Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center. Middle Smithfield Township will match that donation. Portions of merchandise and food and beverage sales will also be donated. Every golfer will receive a free CCP golf hat. TO BOOK TEE TIMES CALL KEVIN AT 570-223-8099 OR VISIT CCPPAGOLF.COM