Pregnancy, Child Tracking & Health Services Management System Challenges in rolling out J. P. Jat Demographer & Evaluation officer Directorate of Medical, Health & FW, Rajasthan, Jaipur
Main componants of PCTS system: Health Facility details: Information of all health institutions-SC, PHC, CHC, DH etc. Name of ANM, MOIC, In-charge CHC, DH etc. with contact numbers & date of posting at institution. Area & population served by any institution. Monthly Reporting of progress. Form 6 to 9 from sub center to state. Graphical & tabular analysis of progress. Pregnancy & Child Tracking System. Online tracking of all pregnant women & children. Tracking of services. Listing of left out & drop outs. Due list of ANC, delivery & immunization.
Pregnancy, Child Tracking & Health Services Management System To establish computer based HMIS in the department to facilitate reliable and cost effective mechanism for better decision making, monitoring, planning and implementation of effective health service delivery. The objective of PCTS is case specific monitoring of every pregnant women & child to reduce Maternal & Infant Mortality. Monitoring of individual pregnant woman for health care as well as every child. For reducing Maternal Mortality: Online tracking of every single pregnant woman. Tracking for imparting antenatal health services. Tracking for delivery services and ensuring institutional delivery. Tracking of every single abortion case and maternal death. Ready availability of historical data. Due list for providing delivery services. Online information of drop outs and left outs from antenatal services.
Pregnancy, Child Tracking & Health Services Management System For improving immunization coverage & reducing infant mortality. Online tracking of every single live birth. Online tracking of all live birth’s weight, hemoglobin & ensuring newborn care. Tracking of every single child for immunization and vitamin A doses. Ready availability of historical data of child’s immunization. Due list of children for providing for immunization. Area/district wise sex ratio at birth can be monitored. Online information of drop outs and left outs from immunization. Facilitates better management of every health institution in the state. Management of all health institutions at district, block, CHCs, PHCs & sub Centers. Monthly reporting of progress in form 6 to 9 through PCTS system enables better monitoring . Identification of cases for sterilization makes it an affective tool for population control.
Current Status: Launched on 15th Sept. 2009 and the new version of NBT as per GoI guidelines has been made functional from 1st July 2010. Implemented in all 33 districts of Rajasthan. The PCTS system has been made online web based application. All the formats have been finalized and made online. The data entry is at block level. The ANM reports to blocks on monthly basis. The trainings of all district and block level functionaries has been organized. The CM&HO and BCMO has been oriented about PCTS system. From January to July 2010, 4.82 lac pregnancies and 1.88 lac delivery cases and have been registered on this system.
Statement showing No. of Health Institutions S. No. Institution Number 1 Sub Center 11487 2 PHC 1504 3 CHC 368 4 DH 34 5 Medical Colleges 7
Training Strategy for MCH Tracking: A core group consisting NIC person, state demography cell was constituted at state level for orient and training of MCH tracking. At State Level: Orientation of State level officials. All officers at state level. All consultants working under NRHM & RCH programme. All officer in-charge of districts. All CMHOs and Additional/Deputy CMHOs. Training of trainers at state level All District Programme Managers. All Data Assistants. & Statistical Assistants as master trainers for mother & child tracking.
Training Strategy for MCH Tracking: At District Level: Orientation of District Level officials. All block CMOs. All In-charge of CHCs/DH. District MCH coordinator, ASHA Coordinator, Block Programme managers, Block MCH & Asha Coordinator. Training for data entry. Block Programme Managers. All block data entry operators. Data entry operators working at CHCs.
Training Strategy for MCH Tracking: At Block Level: Orientation of following for line listing formats data transportation and use of PCTS for tracking of pregnant women & children in the field. All Medical Officer in-charge PHCs. All LHVs. All ANMs. Block MCH & Asha Coordinator. PHC ASHA Facilitators & Accountants.
Challenges in Training of mch tracking system: A large number of manpower to be trained. Multiple types of persons to be trained. Some for implementation and others for using tracking system for ensuring service delivery. Diversified profile people to be trained for MCH tracking at: State District Block level
Feedback machanism in MCH tracking system: Online system generated reports for feedback: ANC Registration (reported v/s Linelist) ANC registered cases. ANC services report. Due ANC check up reports. Delivery cases. Missing delivery reports. Delivery schedule for ANM. Immunization schedule for ANM. Immunization chart. Age/No. of children wise query. Case search.
Feedback machanism in MCH tracking system: At State Level: Review of MCH tracking by Principal Secretary in monthly review meeting of CMHOs. Senior officers have been made District OIC to monitor MCH tracking. Permanent Agenda for all health review meetings at district & block levels. Supervision norms fix for all levels. Physical verification of tracking information by state officers.
Feedback machanism in MCH tracking system: At District & Block Level: Review of MCH tracking in monthly review meeting of MOIC at district and block. Review in monthly block review meeting of ANM & LHVs. Physical verification norms fixed for district, block & PHC level functionaries. Due ANC services & delivery schedule distributed in block review meetings. Immunization schedule for ANM distributed in block meeting.