ALCOHOL True or False
TRUE OR FALSE Alcohol is a depressant
TRUE Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. Although the initial effects may be euphoric and seem stimulating, alcohol slows down the brain activity- the ability to make good judgments
TRUE OR FALSE Beer is less intoxicating than other types of alcoholic beverage.
FALSE One 12-ounce can of beer = One 5- ounce glass of wine = 1.5-ounce liquor
TRUE OR FALSE Switching between beer, wine, and liquor will make you drunker.
FALSE Mixing types of drinks may make you sicker by upsetting your stomach, but not more intoxicated. Alcohol is alcohol.
TRUE OR FALSE Only time will remove alcohol from the system
TRUE Only time will remove alcohol from the system. It takes the body approximately one hour to eliminate the alcohol in one drink. MYTH: Cold Showers, fresh air or hot coffee help sober a person.
TRUE OR FALSE Eating a big meal before you drink will keep you sober.
FALSE Drinking on a full stomach will only delay the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, not prevent it. Eating before you drink is not a defense against getting drunk.
TRUE OR FALSE There are many factors that affect a person's reaction to alcohol
TRUE FACT: Many factors that affect a person's reaction to alcohol — body weight, metabolism, body chemistry, amount of alcohol consumed, time in which consumed, gender (women have less dehydrogenase, enzyme that metabolizes alcohol. They also tend to have higher body fat, which reduces % of lean body mass to distribute concentration of alcohol) & more.