Alcohol Consumption in Delaware: 2018 State Epidemiological Profile Data from the 2018 State Epidemiological Profile Prepared by the: University of Delaware Center for Drug and Health Studies on behalf of the Strategic Prevention Framework – Partnerships for Success Project
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile National Survey of Drug Use and Health Alcohol use in Delaware, by age group: percentages, annual averages based on 2015-2016 NSDUH Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Notes: “--”Not available, estimates have not been released by NSDUH. a Estimates are based on a survey-weighted hierarchical Bayes estimation approach. b Binge Alcohol Use is defined as drinking five or more drinks (for males) or four or more drinks (for females) on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other) on at least 1 day in the past 30 days. In 2015, the definition for females changed from five to four drinks c Underage drinking is defined for persons aged 12 to 20 Source: “2015-2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.” Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Alcohol use among Delaware 5th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware (2002-2017). 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Alcohol use among Delaware 5th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware (2002-2017). 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Alcohol use among Delaware 8th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Note: a “Binge Use” is defined as five alcoholic drinks at a time in the last two weeks. Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware (2002-2017). 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Alcohol use among Delaware 8th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Note: a “Binge Use” is defined as five alcoholic drinks at a time in the last two weeks. Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware (2002-2017). 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Alcohol use among Delaware 11th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware (2002-2017). Note: a “Binge Use” is defined as five alcoholic drinks at a time in the last two weeks. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Alcohol use among Delaware 11th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Note: a “Binge Use” is defined as five alcoholic drinks at a time in the last two weeks. Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware (2002-2017). 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Percentage of high school students who had at least one drink of alcohol on one or more of the past 30 days Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2017 Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)”. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Administered by the Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. Notes: All Hispanic students are included in the Hispanic category. All other races are non-Hispanic. Weighted data. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Percentage of high school students who binge drank on one or more of the past 30 days Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Notes: Binge drinking defined as four or more drinks of alcohol in a row for female students and five or more drinks of alcohol in a row for male students within a couple hours. All Hispanic students are included in the Hispanic category. All other races are non-Hispanic. Weighted data. Source: “2017 Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)”. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Administered by the Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2017 Delaware School Survey Average age of onset for alcohol use Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: Delaware Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), [2018]. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System Statewide and sub-state estimates of binge drinking for Delaware adults from the 2016 Delaware Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System Note:“--” Data not available for Wilmington. Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2016 Delaware Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System.” BRFSS Prevalence & Trends Data, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Trends in Delaware students’ alcohol use by grade, self-reported past month use, 1989-present Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Sources: “Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. (1995- Present) 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Trends in Delaware students’ binge alcohol use by grade, self-reported use, 2002-present Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Note: “Binge use” is defined by the Delaware School Survey as five or more drinks at a time (Previously binge use was reported as 3 or more drinks at a time) in the past two weeks. Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey National and Delaware past month use of alcohol (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Sources: “Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Administered by the Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware). (1999-Present) “Trends in the Prevalence of Alcohol Use National YRBS: 1991-2015” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “National Youth Risk Behavior Survey” 2017. Notes: Weighted data. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey National and Delaware past month use of alcohol (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Sources: “Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Administered by the Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware). (1999-Present) “National High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey.” Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (1999-2017) Notes: Weighted data. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey National and Delaware episodic heavy drinking during the past month (had 5 or more drinks of alcohol at one time, in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Notes: Weighted data. Sources: “Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Administered by the Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware). (1999-2017) “National High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey.” Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (1999-2017) 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey National and Delaware episodic heavy drinking during the past month (had 5 or more drinks of alcohol at one time, in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Notes: Weighted data. Sources: “Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Administered by the Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware). (1999-2017) “National High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey.” Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (1999-2017) 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile National Survey of Drug Use and Health Alcohol use in past month, by age group and state: 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 NSDUH (in percentages) a Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Notes: a Estimates are based on a survey-weighted hierarchical Bayes estimation approach. b p value: Bayes significance levels for the null hypothesis of no change between the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 population percentages. The “Total U.S.” estimates, along with the p values, are based on design-based (direct) estimation methods. Source: “National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Comparison of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Population Percentages.” Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile National Survey of Drug Use and Health Binge alcohol usea in past month, by age group and state: 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 NSDUH (in percentages) b Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Notes: a “Binge Alcohol Use” is defined as drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (i.e., at the same time or within a couple hours of each other) on at least 1 day in the past 30 days. b Estimates are based on a survey-weighted hierarchical Bayes estimation approach c p value: Bayes posterior probability of no change. “-” indicates that p value were not available for this data. Source: “National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Comparison of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Population Percentages.” Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile National Survey of Drug Use and Health Alcohol usea in the past month among persons aged 12-20 by state, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Notes: b Estimates are based on a survey-weighted hierarchical Bayes estimation approach c p value: Bayes posterior probability of no change. Source: “2015-2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.” Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile Delaware School Survey, Youth Risk Behavior Survey and Monitoring the Future Comparison of recent national and Delaware estimates of alcohol use among high school students (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Notes: “--“ Not Available. Weighted data. Sources: “Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. (2015- 2017) “Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Administered by the Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware). (2015-2017) National Adolescent Drug Trends Press Release: Text and Tables. Monitoring the Future Study (MTF), University of Michigan. (2016-2017) 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Perceived “great risk” in drinking daily, 8th and 11th grade Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Perceived “a lot of risk” in drinking daily, 5th grade Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2017 Delaware School Survey Perceived “great risk” in binge drinking Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Note: “Binge drinking” is defined in the survey as five drinks at a time once or twice a week Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile National Survey of Drug Use and Health Perceptions of great risk of binge drinkinga, by age group and state: 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 (in percentages) b Notes: a “Binge drinking” is defined here as having five or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage once or twice a week b Estimates are based on a survey-weighted hierarchical Bayes estimation approach. c p value: Bayes posterior probability of no change. “-” indicates data not available for these figures. Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2015-2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Model-Based Prevalence Estimates.” Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Reported drinking and driving among Delaware 11th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Reported drinking and driving among Delaware 11th graders (in percentages) Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile 2017 Delaware School Survey Trends in Delaware 11th graders reporting drinking and driving in the past month, 1999-2017 Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Note: Displayed percentiles are rounded to the nearest whole number. Source: “2017 Delaware School Survey.” Center for Drug and Health Studies, University of Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
Delaware Criminal Justice Information System Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: Delaware Criminal Justice Information System (DELJIS) 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Performance Measures, Delaware. Trends in Delaware Traffic Fatalities and Alcohol Use Among Delaware Drivers Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Performance Measures, Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Performance Measures, Delaware. Trends in Delaware Traffic Fatalities and Alcohol Use Among Delaware Drivers Table copied as image (cannot be altered) Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Performance Measures, Delaware. 2018 Delaware State Epidemiological Profile
2018 DELAWARE STATE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL PROFILE: SUBSTANCE USE AND RELATED ISSUES This data chapter is an excerpt from the 2018 Delaware Epidemiological Profile. For more information about the Profile, please visit Delaware Epidemiological Reports Prepared by the University of Delaware Center for Drug and Health Studies & Its State Partners for The Delaware SPF-PFS Program, The Delaware Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, & The State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW, formerly the Delaware Drug and Alcohol Tracking Alliance/DDATA) Sponsored by Award SP020704 to the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Delaware Health and Social Services, from the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Please address all inquiries to: Laura Rapp, PhD, University of Delaware Center for Drug and Health Studies, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice: