Bookkeeper Business Blueprint Welcome! Bookkeeper Business Blueprint Bookkeeping Business System - Week 2
3 Marketing Components Message: USP (last week) Market (this week) Media (this week)
Message Recap: Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) “...a way of explaining your position against your competition and against all other choices…”
“What Do You Do?” “I’m a bookkeeper”
“What Do You Do?” “I help dentists to make more money” (avatar) (USP benefit) (market) (message)
You’re at a Party. Which Do You Remember? “I’m a bookkeeper” or “I help dentists to make more money”
Wouldn’t It Be Easier to Go After Anyone Who Can Fog a Mirror?
Why Niche Marketing Rocks: Focus your marketing efforts Prospects are easier to find Develop an industry expertise Stand-out from the competition who are all generalists
Why Niche Marketing Rocks: Increase your appeal within the niche audience b/c they know they are working with an AUTHORITY who understands their UNIQUE needs. Referral partners are easier to find b/c you can work with and target those who also serve clients in your niche Become the “go-to” choice Command higher fees b/c you deliver higher value due to your expertise
Selecting Your Niche Market
You Will Niche by Industry (with a few other possible add-ons)
Niche Selection Tips: You are interested in it You have experience in it You have a network of contacts You have affinity and mutual association
Niche Selection Tips (con’t): Less complex in bookkeeping terms Don’t employ a lot of minimum wage workers Lean toward service industries Have professional associations Have 50k+ businesses in existence
Select Niche Candidates, Then Research Industry trade organizations Industry trade publications Finances: net income, # of employees on avg. Cyclical industry or more steady? Thriving or dying industry? Do you have competition with other bookkeepers? CPAs? Other professionals?
Some of My Favorite Niches...
Some of My Favorite Niches...
Some of My Favorite Niches...
Some of My Favorite Niches...
Some of My Favorite Niches... Construction Consultants Coaches Real Estate Brokers & HIGH-PRODUCING Agents Non-profits / Churches
AVATAR Moving from group (niche) to individual (client) Picture your client in your mind’s eye Imagine all of the characteristics What are his/her deepest desires? Photo Opp Exercise...
Media: Your Message Meets Your Market
Media Possibilities are Limitless
Media You Will Focus On: Website Blog Social Media Networking: Payroll Service Providers Direct response based advertising Prior network & connections
Reflects What You Do & Who You Serve Secure Your Domain Reflects What You Do & Who You Serve example:
Setup Your Personal LinkedIn Profile Page Use Melonie Diodaro’s Resource:
Research Paychex & ADP Reps Make a List of Personal Contacts Other Tasks: Research Paychex & ADP Reps Make a List of Personal Contacts
Only YOU Control Your Destiny!
All Motivation Comes from Within YOU
What Separates a Successful Person from an Average Person?
Excerpt from Success Is an Inside Job by Lee Milteer “The truth for many of us is that the passionate desire to live out our dreams has been forgotten. All too often, we have put them on a shelf to care for other’s needs and desires. We are the cheerleaders and supporters of others, yet we haven’t given ourselves permission to go for our own dreams and desires. Don’t let yourself be another Mrs. Holly, in the twilight of your life with memories of what you wanted to do but didn’t because of circumstances. Life's too short to not look honestly at yourself and ask, ‘What do I want? What desires do I have that I have not yet fulfilled?’ What can you do today to really live your life, not just exist? You need to listen to the inner you, reawaken your deepest desires and begin to take specific action toward fulfilling them - no matter how long it takes.”
Belief in Yourself is the starting point for all achievement
It Takes Courage to DARE and Make Your Dreams Come True
The More Attempts You Make Toward Making Your Dreams Come True, the More Chance You Have of Achieving Success!
The “How-to-do-it” always comes from the person who believes “I-can-do-it”
End of Mindset Sermon
Homework Recap Have Your USP Nailed Down & Memorized #1: Research Niche(s) #2: Select Your Niche(s) #3: Secure Your Domain #4: Set Up Your LinkedIn Profile #5: Research Payroll Reps / List Personal Contacts