California Partnership Academies Key components of the Academy model are: CURRICULUM focused on a career theme and coordinated with related academic classes. VOLUNTARY student selection process that identifies interested ninth graders. TEAM OF TEACHERS who work together to plan and implement the program. MOTIVATIONAL ACTIVITIES with private sector involvement to encourage academic and occupational preparation, such as: integrated and project-based curriculum, mentor program, classroom speakers, field trips, and exploration of postsecondary and career options. WORKPLACE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES such as job shadowing, student internships, and work experience. Information courtesy of California Dept of Ed Website How do they benefit me? Many classes are articulated for college credit and most are UC A-G courses. You are scheduled together with students on the same path. You have a team of teachers supporting you . For more info:
Engineering Academy Pathway Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Language & Lit 9 Language & Lit 10 English 11 English 12 Geography World Cultures U.S. History Economics/Government Int. Math 1/2/3 Other Math Introduction to Engineering Design Principles of Engineering Digital Electronics and Robotics Engineering Product Development & Design Physical Earth Science or Biology Biology or Chemistry Chemistry or Physics Science PE Health/Driver’s Ed PE (or over summer) Elective Choice Foreign Language Elective Choice (VAPA) Suggested Four Year Sequence, can include honors courses if on IB diploma track
Engineering Academy 9th Grade : Introduction to Engineering Design design process, design prototyping tools: 3D printer, laser cutter, CNC machine, microprocessors 10th Grade: Principals of Engineering Bridge design, catapults, Vex Robotics 11th Grade: Digital Electronics and Robotics Basic circuits, soldering, digital design, more robotics 12th Grade: Engineering Product Development Partnered with local business partners to solve their real-life engineering problems.
A Few of our Business Partners
Mrs. Caplan’s Resume Faith Caplan EDUCATION UC Berkeley Extension 06/16 Preliminary Career Technical Education Designated Single Subject Credential: Engineering National University Foundational Mathematics Single Subject Credential 01/08 – 07/09 Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 09/99 – 06/04 Bachelor of Science: Industrial Engineering with an option in Business Engineering. PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT: Cordova High School, Rancho Cordova, CA 08/09-present Career Technical Education Department Chair 08/15-present Engineering Teacher 08/15-present California Partnership Academies (CPA) Coordinator 08/14-present Mathematics teacher 08/09-present El Camino High School, Sacramento, CA 01/09 – 07/09 Student Teacher and Summer School Teacher Hewlett Packard : Full Time Roseville, CA 08/04 – 01/09 Process Engineer: Business Critical Servers (BCS), Supply Chain, New Products and Solutions Hewlett Packard : MECOP Intern Corvallis, OR 03/03 – 09/03 Industrial Engineer: (IPG) Resource Optimization Integration Planar Systems: MECOP Intern Beaverton, OR 03/02 – 09/02 Industrial Engineer: Manufacturing Engineering Faith Caplan Cordova High School Room D5 (916) 294-2450 ext 810284