Equality Act 2010 Your Name
Course Introduction We ALL need to know about equality Employers and employees have legal obligations Employers of choice see the opportunities in fairness at work
Objectives When you reach the end of this session you will be able to: Recognise the key features and context of the Equality Act 2010 Describe the types of discrimination and various protected characteristics Identify the impact of the Equality Act on colleagues, on your organisation and on working life Create a brief plan to review equality in your workplace which outlines necessary measures for improvement. 3
Purpose of the Act Bringing together of several different pieces of UK anti-discrimination legislation Updating and extending these where required
Purpose of the Act Types of Discrimination Protected Characteristics
Background A combination of rights and responsibilities that have: stayed the same changed been extended been introduced for the first time
Types of Discrimination Direct Discrimination Associative Discrimination Perceptive Discrimination Indirect Discrimination Harassment Third Party Harassment Victimisation
Protected Characteristics Age Disability Gender Reassignment Marriage & Civil Partnership Pregnancy & Maternity Race, Religion or Belief Sex Sexual Orientation
What Else?
What Happens When? Employers 1
What Happens When? Employers 2 Employment Tribunal Remedies: Make a declaration that an employer has discriminated Award compensation Remove or reduce the bad effects
What Happens When? Others
Planning - Overview Recruitment and selection Team working Communications Pay and reward Training and development Progression and selection for promotion Discipline and grievance
Planning Review Act Monitor
Planning Review Act Monitor An equality policy should incorporate a statement of the employer’s: - aim to encourage, value and manage diversity - commitment to providing equality for all - wish to attain a workforce that is representative of the communities from which it is drawn to secure the widest pool of talent possible. Review Act Monitor
Planning Review Act Monitor Gathering individual personal information on the diversity of potential recruits or existing employees, and comparing and analysing this against: - other groups of employees in the company - jobseekers in the local community - jobseekers in the broader national employment market. Review Act Monitor
Planning Review Act Monitor The action plan should: - set dates on when things such as monitoring, reviewing procedures, and training will be done - expand on how these will be done and by whom - set out how harassment and bullying and will addressed - set measures of success including how and when these will be evaluated. Review Act Monitor
Planning Examples of actions arising from such a plan might include items which: - encourage more people to apply for posts by considering part-time working or job-sharing - lead to advertising widely to attract a diverse workforce - are targeted at working with the community and offering opportunities to students - address targets such as increasing the number of management jobs open to job sharing to allow more women to do them or interviewing more disabled people - implement positive action, where appropriate. Act
Objectives When you reach the end of this session you will be able to: Recognise the key features and context of the Equality Act 2010 Describe the types of discrimination and various protected characteristics Identify the impact of the Equality Act on colleagues, on your organisation and on working life Create a brief plan to review equality in your workplace which outlines necessary measures for improvement. 20