Lyčių lygybės indeksas 2015


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Presentation transcript:

Lyčių lygybės indeksas 2015 Lyčių lygybė Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje 2005-2012

‘Lyčių lygybė - vienodas moterų ir vyrų pasidalijimas ištekliais, asmens orumas ir vientisumas’ The task of developing the Gender Equality Index calls for a clear direction of what is the purpose of gender equality. There are contrasting ways in which to address the purpose of gender equality. The challenge is drawing out the main elements from the different gender approaches without losing the essence of the concept of gender equality without losing the essence of the concept of gender equality : three broad approaches: -equality through sameness (equal opportunities or equal treatment); The sameness approach highlights the necessity to include women into a world from which they have typically been excluded. In this approach, the emphasis is on women becoming equal to men. -The difference approach reflects a move towards the equal valuation of the existing and different contributions of women and men in a gender segregated society. It is difficult to recognise differences, while avoiding the trap of essentialism and relying on essentialist notions of femininity and masculinity. It can reinforce existing stereotypes and the current organisation of labour and care -The third approach is one where, rather than having to choose between the sameness and difference approach, a new standard for both men and women is created, that is, the transformation of gender relations. It aspires to move ‘beyond gender’ and attempts to problematise not only the exclusion of women, or men as a norm, but the gendered world in itself.

Lyčių lygybės indeksas matuoja atotrūkį tarp moterų ir vyrų padėties (angl. gender gaps), taip pat atsižvelgia į bendrą pažangą tam tikroje srityje Drawing on all three: the Gender Equality Index measures gender gaps, for both women and men, but adjusts them for levels of achievement. In this way we are considering also the context of each MSs is facing.

Lyčių lygybės indeksas Nelygybė 1 100 Developing the Metric: Gender Gaps (3) Final metric: Gap adjusted by levels of achievement Allows comparability of variables, ensuring the same interpretation

Lyčių lygybės indeksas Devising a Conceptual Framework This is the structure of the conceptual framework of the Gender Equality Index. It consists of eight domains, which are themselves sub-divided into sub-domains. I will now go into more details into each one of these domains. Fill the dimensions identified in the conceptual framework with indicators and to aggregate them in order to create the GEI

Pagrindiniai rezultatai

Lyčių lygybės indeksas 4 countries at the top (74.2 in SE to 68.5 in NL) 10 countries around EU average: from BE to EE (58.2 to 49.8) 14 countries (from LV to RO) at the lower levels with scores (from 46.9 to 33.7) In 8 countries the score decreased MERLE Score for LT to be added ‚ROOM FOR IMPORVEMENT‘ TO BE REPACED BY ‚Erdvė pokyčiams‘

Lyčių lygybė Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje 2005 - 2012 We are still half way towards equality! Very little improvement from 2005 to 2012 driven forward by improvement in the area of power (decision-making) but downwards by worsened situation in the domains of knowledge and time.


Galia: Lietuvos rodikliai Politinė Ekonominė Ministrai Parlamento nariai Savivaldybių tarybų nariai Įmonių valdybos nariai Centrinio banko valdybos nariai EU and Member States challenged by large imbalance in decision-making Women are greatly underrepresented in top positions of decision making in the majority of the Members States. Despite the fact that women make up nearly half of the workforce and account for more than half of tertiary level graduates, the proportion of women involved in top-level decision-making remains very low. This discrepancy shows a waste of highly-qualified and skilled human resources. The domain of Power focus in the representation of women and men in decision-making positions. Conceptually 3 sub-domains were identified: Political Social Economic No coverage of social power was possible by reliable gender indicators/ the domain measures political and economic power through participation at a decision-making level. The level of representation of women in political spheres is less than a third at the regional level and decreases even further in Parliaments and Ministries. The dearth of representation of women in the political sphere is even more pronounced in the economic sphere. Women are greatly under-represented among board members of the largest quoted companies and among members of central banks within the vast majority of the Member Sates. The EU-27 on average has almost reached the halfway point towards equality when it comes to political power. However, scores throughout all MSs show very wide difference ranging from 15.1 in HU to 91.5 in Sweden. The domain of Power calls for measures to increase gender equality in decision making. The scores show the extent of gender inequality in political and economic power. While less than a handful of Member States attain satisfactory gender equality scores in political power, the situation is even worse in the domain of economic power. 16.0

Galia: padėtis ES šalyse narėse 2005 - 2012 Situation improved in the majority of MS, worsened in 8 Careful in 2005 regional assembly is not available!!!! 18 countries below EU average Variation between 75.7 in FI and 16.9 in Cyprus (almost 5 times difference)

Ekonominius sprendimus visose ES šalyse dažniausiai priima tik vyrai Situacija Lietuvoje artima ES vidurkiui 18% 82% Members of the boards of the largest quoted companies, supervisory board or board of directors by sex in EU Member States, 2010 Representation of women as members of boards in largest quoted companies is extremely far from gender equality Only 5 MSs (FI, SE, LV, RO, and SK) had more than 20% of women as members of the largest quoted companies. 5 MSs had less than 5% representation (CY, IT, LU, MT and PT) LT, 2012

Namų ir šeimos narių priežiūra Laikas: Lietuvos rodikliai 36.2 Namų ir šeimos narių priežiūra Socialinė veikla Vaikų priežiūra 22.8 Namų ūkio priežiūra 14.4 Sportas, kultūrinė ir laisvalaikio veikla Savanoriška ir labdaringa veikla Inequalities in the division of time between women and men persist Personal time spent on care plays an important role in the individual’s capability to integrate or balance work and private life. This is a key element which impacts on participation in employment, quality of work and care responsibilities…and inequalities in the division of time still persists between women and men. The domain of time for work and private life is a particularly gendered issue because of the disproportionate amount of care time attributed to women. There are very important differences between women and men in the division of time spent on care and social activities.The domain of time considers 2 subdomains, one related to women and men involvement in care activities (educating their children and grand-children) and in coking and house working. The other subdomain measures gender gaps in involvement in sporting, cultural and leisure activities combined with volunteering and charitable activities. No gender indicators have been adopted for the sub-domain of economic activities as the participation in the labour market is already reflected in the domain of work.

Laikas: padėtis ES šalyse narėse 2005 - 2010 Worsened situation overall, slightly improved in 8. The score is driven down by worsened situation in social activities… but in care activities there is basically no improvement! 16 countries below EU average 4 Scandinavian countries at the top Variation between 61.9 in SE (which is almost two times higher than EU average) and 17 in Bulgaria

ES žymiai daugiau moterų nei vyrų skiria bent vieną ir daugiau valandų namų tvarkymui ir maisto ruošimui ES-28 vidurkis moterims 77%, vyrams - 24% Lietuvoje atotrūkis didesnis More than 62percent gap in LT. Involvement in cooking and housework every day for an hour or more The mean hours per day spent on cooking and housework across the EU-28 ranged between just over half an hour for men and nearly two hours for women. Women spend more than 2 hours on average on cooking and housework in 10 Member States. Although men in Sweden spend just over an hour on these activities in all other Member States, the average of hours is below one, reaching less than half an hour in 10 Member States. JOLANTA, I changed EU-27 to EU-28 which is correct LT, 2010

Finansiniai ištekliai Pinigai: Lietuvos rodikliai Finansiniai ištekliai Ekonominė situacija 27.4 45.6 Uždarbis Pajamos Nepatiriantys skurdo rizikos Pajamų pasiskirstymas 76.0 Lower earnings and income among women lead to greater risk of poverty and higher disparities of income Economic independence is seen as a necessary condition for European citizens, both women and men, to exercise control and make true choices in their lives. However, women remain in more uncertain situations throughout the EU, by experiencing higher disadvantages in the labour market than men. Women earn less than men, and have less income with progress in closing the gender gaps financial resources is extremely slow. As result feminisation of poverty prevails. The domain measures two key aspects: financial resources, that is, gender gaps in earnings and income, combined with economic situation by focusing on not being at-risk-of-poverty and income distribution.

Pinigai: padėtis ES šalyse narėse 2005 - 2010 Even if the score for economic situation is higher, the improvement of 3.7 scores is driven by financial resources 24 MS have improved their situation 13 countries below EU average Variation huge: between 92.3 in LU to 38.4 in Romania MERLE A score to LT to be added

Vyrų darbo užmokestis yra didesnis nei moterų visose ES šalyse narėse ES-28 vidurkis 16% Lietuvoje atotrūkis mažesnis 13% Mean monthly earnings (all sections of the NACE classification (B to S) with the exception of sector O, which corresponds to Public administration and defence compulsory social security) by by gender gap in EU member states (16+ years), 2010 JOLANTA: based on Eurostat data, Gender Pay Gap in 2013 was 13.3 in Lithuania, while in 2010 it was 14.6? ( LT, 2013

Dvi itin aktualios lyčių nelygybės sritys Lietuvoje: Minimalus lyčių lygybės progresas ES nuo 2005 metų, Lietuvoje pokyčiai neigiami Dvi itin aktualios lyčių nelygybės sritys Lietuvoje: moterų ir vyrų atstovavimas priimant sprendimus moterų ir vyrų laiko paskirstymas ekonominei, globos ir socialinei veiklai The results of the Gender Equality Index show that some progress, although marginal, has been achieved between 2005 and 2012. The two most challenging areas continue to be the division of tasks between women and men (with a drop in scores in the time period examined) as well as the representation of women and men in decision-making positions (which has seen steady progress, even if men remain greatly over-represented). Further work on the Gender Equality Index will focus on the completion of the satellite domains of violence against women and intersecting inequalities, breaking down scores and conducting further analysis where possible by taking into account other categories. This is a challenging exercise because of the lack of statistical indicators and small sample sizes likely to be encountered. However, it is imperative to open up the space for analysis and discussion, in full recognition that women and men are not homogeneous groups. The next update of the Gender Equality Index will develop this area more fully.

Lyčių lygybės indeksas 2015 Facebook: Twitter: #EIGEIndex @eurogender