Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Combined (Los pronombres de complemento directo e indirecto usados juntos)
IOP and DOP How to tell the difference? Santa Claus le dio un regalo a la niña. (Santa Claus gave a gift to the girl.) DOP answers WHAT or WHO? What did Santa give? un regalo IOP answers TO WHOM? or FOR WHOM? To WHOM did Santa give the gift to? la niña
Julián, ¿me traes la película? Spanish IOP and DOP may be used together in the same sentence just as in English. Julián, ¿me traes la película? Julián, will you bring me the movie? IOP DOP Te la traigo en un momento. I’ll bring it to you in a moment. When using both a IOP and an DOP in the same sentence, the IOP comes first. PEOPLE are more important than THINGS (indirect before direct).
Julián, ¿me traes la película? We also may place the IOP and the DOP after an infinitive, but both pronouns must remain adjacent to each other, that is, both pronouns must come either in front of the conjugated verb or after the infinitive. Julián, ¿me traes la película? Te la voy a traer en un momento. Voy a traértela en un momento. Notice that when the pronouns are placed after the infinitive, they are closed up to each other and to the verb. Note also the written accents that must be added.
se lo, se la, se los, se las Yo te lo tiré el balón. . Tú me tiraste I threw the ball to you. I threw it to you. correct Yo te lo tiré el balón. . You threw the ball to me. You threw it to me. correct Tú me tiraste lo el balón. . Yon cannot have two pronouns starting with “L” next to each other. I threw it to him. I threw the ball to him. incorrect correct Yo se le lo tiré el balón. . You can’t “le lo” in Spanish! Use “a ______” to clarify who the “se” is referring to in these sentences. Notice the following slide.
To clarify who the “se” is referring to No, no se lo presté. (lo = money) No, I didn’t lend it to her. or No, no se lo presté a ella. ( ) “a ella” clarifies who “se” is referring to. No, I didn’t lend it to her.
The combinations of object pronouns in Spanish are as follows: me lo, me la nos lo, nos la me los, me las nos los, nos las te lo, te la se lo, se la te los, te las se los, se las se lo, se la se los, se las