Welcome to Fifth Grade Back to School Night


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Fifth Grade Back to School Night

Welcome to Fifth Grade muujkjmc Please read the Welcome to Fifth Grade Paper Please make sure you complete ALL the on-line documents 3. Please make sure you download the Remind App & get logged into Google Classroom

Introduction Meet Mrs. Lucchino 11th year in Education 2nd year at Arcola Native of State College, PA Lock Haven University & Shenandoah University Graduate

Goals Develop self-control and self discipline Exhibit Kindness and Acceptance Develop self advocacy skills Develop responsible individuals

Literacy, Writing/Social Studies Good Morning Students walk to class at 7:35am The late bell rings at 7:50am. Dismissal bell rings at 2:35pm. Mrs. Tyson Mrs. Lucchino Literacy, Writing/Social Studies Math, Science

Pathways Guided Reading- Mini lesson Give a goal, ask follow-up questions regarding mini lesson (reteach getting connection) Leveled small group reading instruction Independent Reading-Students will read just right books independently Writers’ Workshop-Students will become authors Personal narrative Research paper Persuasive and argumentative Poetry

Social Studies Units Regions Geography Economics Contributions Exploration

Mathematics Fractions Geometry Problem Solving Mrs. Lucchino will teach Math and Science. Please see her for math and science questions. Below are some topics covered this year! Fractions Geometry Problem Solving

Science Units Oceans Matter Changing Earth Living Systems Scientific Process There will be a lot of experiments projects, and hands-on activities.

*If a • is placed in an area of the report card, The report card will have the following letters as indicators of development 1 - With assistance, student struggles to demonstrate partial mastery of current grade level expectations. 2 -With assistance, student demonstrates partial mastery of 3-Student consistently meets and demonstrates mastery of 4 -In addition to meeting the standard, the student makes application beyond grade level expectations. *If a • is placed in an area of the report card, this means that the skill was not assessed during that particular quarter. Grading

Formative Assessment- Will be given throughout the unit to progress Student learning. Summative Assessment- Will be given at the end of the unit. These are common assessments that the team has created. Grading

Homework Leadership Notebooks Homework should take 50 minutes each day Homework will be sent home daily Homework is listed in and outside the classroom for students to write in their agenda Leadership Notebooks Opportunity for students to reflect on their learning.

Expectation ROAR Respect yourself, others and school. Be safe, be kind, and be honest Follow directions Quickly! Raise your hand to speak or stand Listen to your teacher when she is talking.

Food Breakfast: Please make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast in the morning. Snack *choose a healthy, peanut free snack * make it easy to open and something they can eat quickly *water only in the classroom Lunch begins at 12:30 each day. *feel free to join your kiddo for lunch *adding money to their account *ice cream(Thursday) and cookie day(Monday)

Communication Email, Remind, phone call and notes as necessary Arcola Website Take home folder, Thursday folder Conferences

Housekeeping Class celebrations *three each year *Winter/Holiday Party, Valentine’s Day Sock Hop, End of year Party Birthdays *No food, no goodie bags Field Trips *Sept 13th Camp Highroad-team building fieldtrip Medication *Nurse

To Do List Conference- sign- up genius Download Remind Log into Google Classroom Class Directory- any volunteers? Sign up for PTA

I look forward to an amazing year! Thank You! I look forward to an amazing year!