Expected role of the Silesian University of Technology in HORIZON 2020 WASTE actions Lucyna Czarnowska Silesian University of Technology Department of Technology and Installations for Waste Management
Brussels, Department of Technology and Installations for Waste Management2
Research fields 1.Innovative technologies of waste management. 2.Thermal process of waste management. 3.Recycling and urban mining. 4.Solid, liquid and gaseous alternative fuels including RDF (refuse derived fuels). 5.Utilization of liquid, solid and gas waste substances: industry waste, hazardous waste including medical, municipal waste and sludge. 6.Analysis of hazardous waste properties and methods of its utilization. Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels,
Research fields 7.Utilization of chemical substances using thermal and chemical methods. 8.Analysis of sorting systems and disintegration of solid waste. 9.Designing and assessment of devices and installations for waste management and flue gas purification. 10.Designing of installations for chemical and food industry. 11.Production and combustion, co-combustion of waste and formed fuels. 12.Analysis of socioeconomic effects of waste management. 13.Environmental impact analysis based on LCA. Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels,
Selected implementation Installation of waste incineration from/of: 1.pharmaceutical industry, Polfa Cracow, 1974 and 1980, 2.electronics industry, Telpod Cracow, 1983, 3.heavy hydrocarbons waste, Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis Blachownia, , 4.chemical waste, POCh Gliwice, , 5.former hospital waste Garrison Hospital in Gliwice, 1993, Hospital in Przemysl, Installation of sludge incineration of municipal waste water treatment, Dębogórze/ Gdynia, Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels,
Projects realized in the past Selected finished projects which were realized by the Department, founded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education: 1.EUREKA - Sustainable processing of waste fats to be used in SME for energy purposes, The use of low temperature plasma for gas cleaning, Optimizing the energy use of municipal waste, Modelling changes in fuel properties of sewage sludge during their medium and long-term storage before the process of co- combustion and combustion, Modelling of mass transport on the grates sliding and roller device for thermal conversion of solid waste, Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels,
Projects currently realized 1.GROSS MINE - "Development of an expert system for assessment of environmental, economic and social performance of coal mines in Poland", funded by the National Centre for Research and Development under the Applied Research Programme, Ekoinnowacyjni " (Eco - innovative), funded by the EU Structural Funds in Poland, Clean fossil and alternative fuels energy founded by Knowledge & Innovation Community – KIC InnoEnergy, Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels,
WASTE : Moving towards a circular economy through industrial symbiosis Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels, Innovation actions 8
WASTE : A systems approach for the reduction, recycling and reuse of food waste 1.Analysis of local/regional contracts between suppliers and retail chains 2.Specify the records leading to wastage of food 3.Advice application on the rational use of waste such as animal feed or as biofuels utilization Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels,
WASTE : A systems approach for the reduction, recycling and reuse of food waste Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels,
WASTE : Recycling of raw materials from products and buildings Laboratory tests on the recovery of various minerals. Replacement of extraction from the ground by urban minig. Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels,
WASTE : Recycling of raw materials from products and buildings a)Metallurgical industry b)Audits of buildings Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels, Research and innovation actions 12
WASTE /2015: Towards near-zero waste at European and global level An EU near-zero waste stakeholder platform Platform for communication between the entities wishing to get rid of some unneeded substances and the entities that would be interested in such substances. Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels,
WASTE /2015: Towards near-zero waste at European and global level Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels,
WASTE /2015: Towards near-zero waste at European and global level Global waste menagement 1. Polish dissemination 2. Analysis of Polish practices 3. Transfer of knowledge 4. Up take best practices Analysis of Polish -> transfer with explaination of behevioural, social, political, cultural and industrial aspects Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels,
WASTE /2015: Towards near-zero waste at European and global level Global waste menagement 1. Global dissemination 2. Analysis of Global practices 3. Transfer of Regional knowledge to determine the Global best practices 4. Up take best practices Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels,
WASTE /2015: Towards near-zero waste at European and global level Secondary raw materials inventory Data and information of secondary raw materials 1.Mining waste 2.Wood-based 3.Industrial 4.Municipal waste 5.Waste electrical EU network of institutions Supplydemand Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels, Coordination and support actions 17
WASTE : Preparing and promoting innovation procurement for resource efficiency Aim of call: product purchase service delivery Public procurement of innovation 1.Eco-innovative 2.Social needs to be meet by the market 3.Increase the efficiency 4.Waste prevention Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels, Coordination and support actions 18 Renault Twizy: rents accumulators
WASTE : Promoting eco-innovative waste management and prevention as part of sustainable urban development Urban development 1.Waste management 2.Risk prevention 3.Land use Eco-innovative Re-naturing Cities Quantitative and qualitative indicators Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels, Research and innovative actions 19
Expirienced staff Department of Technology and Installations for Waste ManagementBrussels, Current experience Future experience ??? 20
Thank you for your attention! Lucyna Czarnowska