Experimental Procedure An easy-to-follow plan of how you will conduct the experiment. Specific, detailed step-by-step ‘recipe’ for the experiment. Include the exact materials you need. Identify the variables in the experiment (Controlled, Independent, Dependent) Only test for one dependent variable! Consider how long your experiment will take and decide on a procedure that you can carry out in that period of time.
Experimental Procedure (cont’d) Consider sample size – more is better. Written in the third person (i.e., do not use: “I”, “we”, “she”, “you”, “he”). May be numbered or bulleted -- Recipe card format. A good procedure allows for the experiment to be repeated exactly. Should be designed specifically to attempt to answer the question, verify the hypothesis, and address controlled variables and reduction of errors. Should plan to repeat the experiment several (i.e., > 3x) to ensure statistical relevance (reliability).
Example -- The CAVA Science Fair http://edtech2.boisestate.edu/angelacovil/506/procedure.html