Intro to Early Greek History - A Flourishing Civ Most Like Us? CHW3M, March 2018 Ms. Gluskin Cool pics List Gods Art
Theme 1: Geography Influenced Society and Their Interactions Black Sea Aegean Sea Asia Minor Peloponnesus Mediterranean Sea Crete World Civilizations Syllabus. Map Quiz No. 2 – Classical Greece. 2004. (March 5, 2011).
Coastal Terrain A lot of it Lots of islands (in Med. Sea, Aegean Sea) Therefore:, depend on sea; lots of foreign contact, trade, colonies; possibly vulnerable to invasion
Physical Map Darker colours = higher altitudes Mountains of Greece. N.d. (Feb. 4, 2012).
Inland terrain Mountainous (steep but not that high) Rocky: not suitable for large-scale agriculture like Egypt (not wheat) Therefore: mountains prevented areas from unifying; independent city states (polis) formed For most of its history there was no united “Greece”
City States Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Greek Galleries: Geography of Ancient Greece. 2011. (March 4, 2011).
Phoenicians Kaloustian. Lebanon. 2008. (March 8, 2011).
Greek Alphabet Brown University, Archaeologies of the Greek Past: Alphabet (Early Greek). N.d., (March 5, 2011).
Theme 2: Religious but Different from Egypt Polytheistic Religion influenced all aspects of life Wanted the gods’ favour Stories of gods meshed with stories of human heroes Not centred on the afterlife like Egyptian religion Delphi, an oracle that predicted the future via the prophecies of Apollo, was thought to be the centre of the world
Greek Religion Mount Olympus, home of the gods Oral stories to written poems Delphi
Olympics Started 776 BCE Connected to religion – honoured Zeus, king of the gods Short video from National Geographic Olive wreath as prize 2008. (March 8, 2011).
Greek Religion websites
Theme 3: Innovative and Conservative Known for so many advances (changes) Democracy Philosophy Drama Science (and so much more …) Yet also traditional in many ways (continuities) Religion Role of women Frequent wars
Timeline {see handout in your course package} Bronze Age (heroic age) Dark Age Classical Period (*golden age) Hellenistic Period (after Alexander’s death) *Golden age = when a society is at its most flourishing
Videos (The Greeks Part 1, National Geographic) (The Greeks Part 2, National Geographic) (The Greeks, Part 3, National Geographic)