SUSY Dark Matter in light of CDMS/XENON Results Jin Min Yang Institute of Theoretical Physics, Beijing arXiv: 1006.4811, in PRD(R) arXiv: 1005.0761, in JHEP With Cao, Hikasa, Wang, Yu 2010.11.5 , Tsinghua Univ
Outline Introduction: SUSY—Dark Matter—Higgs 2 Experimental Constraints on SUSY 2.1 Collider Constraints 2.2 Dark Matter Constraints 3 Currently Allowed SUSY Parameter Space 4 Implication for LHC Higgs Search 5 Conclusion
1. Introduction SUSY Higgs Boson Dark Matter In the following I will give a very brief discussion
standard non-standard theory – D. Gross 1.1 About SUSY standard non-standard theory – D. Gross Edward Witten International Conference on String Theory, Beijing, (Aug 17, 2002)
David Gross August 17, 2002 Supersymmetry 1028ev 1012ev LHC ENERGY SRTRENGTH STRONG OF FORCE Supersymmetry WEAK UNIFICATION ELECTRO Planck Scale GRAVITY 1028ev 1012ev Present day observation LHC ENERGY
-- M. E. Peskin ITP, Beijing, Aug. 2010
SUSY Models: · · · · MSSM nMSSM Split-SUSY mSUGRA So we see exploring SUSY is very important ! Different models give different phenomenology MSSM NMSSM nMSSM Split-SUSY mSUGRA · · · · SUSY Models: MSSM SUSY nMSSM NMSSM
1.2 SUSY Dark Matter: a miracle ! a byproduct of SUSY DM ~ 0 (a perfect WIMP ) 1 Perfect candidate for DM Naturally give correct relic density A miracle !
1.3 Higgs Bosons ---SUSY is the paradise of Higgs SM (only one Higgs boson) Will be found at LHC !
h, H, A, H SUSY (more than 5 Higgs) How many can be seen at LHC ? ---depending on parameter space Which part is chosen by nature ? ---current experimental constr.
2 Experimental Constraints on SUSY direct bounds (LEPI, LEPII, Tevatron) EW (S,T,U) Rb B-decays muon anomalous a meet all constraints at 2- level dark matter DM CDMSII/XENON
2.1 Collider Constraints (1) Direct Bounds: LEP I LEP II Tevatron
b s (2) Precision EW Data S, T, U Rb (3) a SUSY (3) a SUSY (4) B-decays and mixings b s
Universe cools: n=nEQe-m/T 2.2 Dark Matter Constraints Relic Density (WMAP) Thermal equilibrium ff Universe cools: n=nEQe-m/T (i) Lightest nurtralino solely composes cosmic dark matter Freeze out (ii) Relic density in 2 range (not only upper bounded) 1018 秒
We do not consider Cosmic Ray Anomaly (PAMELA, ATIC, ···) as constraints on SUSY Anyway, they can be explained by pulsars
Currently Allowed SUSY Parameter Space Scan over parameter space
CDMS-II already make sense in testing SUSY! Red: CDMS-II covered region Blue: SuperCDMS(25kg)/XENON100 (6000 kg-day) Green: beyond SuperCDMS/XENON100 CDMS-II already make sense in testing SUSY!
LSP (DM) property bino-like singlino-like CDMS/XENON will push LSP more bino-like
CDMS-II push LSP (DM) more bino-like CDMS/XENON push up value higgsino component decrease bino component increase
CDMS/XENON push up chargino (finally 2*LSP)
CDMS/XENON push up charged-Higgs
SM-like Higgs may decay to DM
How about split-SUSY ?
4 Implication for LHC MSSM-Higgs Search charged-Higgs: almost unaccessible ATLAS
neutral-Higgs (H,A) at LHC CMS
5. Conclusion (i) Current CDMS-II/XENON100 limits can exclude some parameter space which survive the constraints from dark matter relic density and various collider experiments: push up charged-Higgs, chargino push LSP more bino-like (ii) Future SuperCDMS/XENON100 (6000 kg-days exposure) will significantly tighten the parameter space in case of null results (iii) Currently, in allowed parameter space: charged Higgs is hardly accessible at LHC neutral non-SM Higgs bosons may be accessible in some allowed region characterized by a large mu Future SuperCDMS/XENON100 limits will further push away non-SM Higgs bosons at the LHC (iv) Interplay of LHC and CDMS/XENON: a good test for SUSY ! Thanks !