Division of Business and Finance Budget and Planning February 17, 2012
NCA&T Tuition Update NCA&T submitted its tuition proposal as approved by the Board of Trustees in December 2011. In January, the information was reviewed by UNC President, Tom Ross and the Chancellors. From this review and discussion, every university tuition proposal was adjusted for submission to the Board of Governors in February. In the final recommendation, the multi-year catch-up tuition proposal was reduced from five years to two, with the expectation that schools will request additional tuition increases next year.
NCA&T Tuition Update, cont. A&T’s original proposal, requested a $200.00 catch-up tuition for undergraduate students and $300.00 for graduate students. The UNC-GA proposal for NCA&T, requests $200.00 for all categories for the 2nd year catch-up. With the final recommendation, NCA&T remains below both its UNC and national peers in total cost of attendance.
NCA&T Tuition Update, cont. Campus based tuition will be increased for both undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduate Graduate Resident $279.00 $408.00 Non-Resident $1,243.00 $1,633.00 In addition to the recommended increase for 2012-13, both undergraduate and graduate will have a catch-up tuition increase of $200.00 for 2013-14. The revised tuition proposals are scheduled to be voted on by the Board of Governors in February.
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