Name :-Oriya Surabhi Roll no:-32 PPT Topic:-Consumer Protection ACT
History lok shabha passed on 9th December,1986 Rajya shabha passed on 10th December,1986 Assented by the president of india on 24th December,1986 Published in the gazette of india on 26th December,1986.
Who is consumer ??? Consumer refers to any individuals or households that use goods & services. Consumer is someone who acquires goods & services for direct use from production.
Who is not consumer ??? Who obtains goods for re-sell. Who uses the goods without the approval of the buyer. Who obtain goods , hires or avails of any services without consideration.
Consumer law It shows the relationship between individuals consumers & businesses that sell goods & services. It express promise that product or service is of acceptable quality or standards. It refers to measures adopted for the protection of consumers from unethical malpractices by providers.
Consumer protection act The consumer protection act-1986 was enacted for better protection of the interest of consumer. The provision of the act came into force with effect from april-1887. It imposes strict liabilities on manufacturer in case of supply of defective goods by him & service providers.
Reasons for enacting the act Collective bargaining. Multiple laws. Hurdles in litigation. Remedy.
Objectives Heard Safety Edu. Redressal Info. Choose
Better quality of living by improving quality of product & services. To provide venue for redress. To protect consumer from abuse. Protection Against rights Protection against marketing strategy To protection against unfair trade practices
Needs Social Responsibilities: Duty of producers to provide right quality & quantity. Increasing awareness: So many association & organization Who are making efforts to build consumer awareness Satisfaction: Producer should take every step to serve The interest of consumer. Survival & growth: With the expansion of business it is obvious that to produce standard qualitative goods Trustship: With the effective use of the resources , consumer should also get their benifit
Rights Safety Information Choice Heard Redressal Consumer education Basic needs environment
Responsibility Must be quality-conscious : Must show ISO & ISI mark Cautious consumer : Don’t have a such faith which lead to get loss Insist bill: For the proof consumer have to take bill or cash memo Must exercise their rights: Select product accordance with his own preference. Filling complaint : File complaint against any type of minor loss
Filing complaint Under what circumstances complaints can be filed ??? If goods are given defective by traders & manufacturers. Within what period the complaint can be filed ??? Within 3 months of purchase. If some testing of goods is required then within 5 months.
Where complaint can be filed ? District forum Appointment: President(By State govt.) 2 members (1-female , 1-male) Complaint can be filed within 30 days Powers: Removal of defect Replacement of goods Return price Compansation Limit: Till 20,00,000
State Forum- Appointment : Meeting : 2 Meeting in one year Limit : President-By state Govt. Minister Incharge chairman High court judge Minister of civil Department 2 Member(1-Male & 1-Female) Meeting : 2 Meeting in one year Limit : 20,00,000 To 1,00,00,000
National Forum- Appointment: Meeting: Limit: President-By Supreme Court Judge 4 Members(1-Female & 1-Male) 5 years of appointment Meeting: 1 Meeting in year Limit: Above 1,00,00,000
Central consumer protection counsil(U/S-3) 150 members Chairman Minister in charge of department Vice Chairman Minister of state 8 Members 5 Member 3 Member Parliament From Lok-shabha From Rajya shabha Commissioner Castes & Tribes Secretary of civil supplies Member secretary to the central council 20 Representatives -10 Member Concern with Consumer Interest Women Farmer , Trade , Industries
Meeting: 1 meeting in one year Object : Against marketing of hazardous goods & services Against unfair trade practices Against competitive price Redressed against unfair activities
State Consumer Protection Counsil Constitution : Form by State govt. Composition : State minister in charge of consumer affairs as chairman & member nominated by state govt. Meeting : 2 in every year Objects : promote & protect consumers rights within state
District Consumer Protection Council Members: A)The collector of the district who shall be the chairman B)Such number of other official or non official members the SG. Objects : Promote & protect consumers rights within Disrtict Meeting : At least twice in year
Reliefs for consumer Removal of defected goods Replacements of goods Refund the price Compensation of loss or injury suffered Stopping sale of hazardous goods
Cases: Kanta Bhakta, Mumbai V/s A Jeweller in Dadar, Mumbai Pravinchandra Ved, Mumbai V/s State Bank of India, Mumbai