University of Minnesota IN THE DARKENED ALLEY THIS LOOKS LIKE A JOB FOR The Uncanny Physics of Superhero Comics!!! The Uncanny Physics Of Superhero Comics Jim Kakalios University of Minnesota Thursday, October 20 8:00PM Auditorium City Campus Union MEANWHILE How strong would you have to be to "leap a tall building in a single bound"? Traveling as fast as the Flash, could you run up the side of a building or across the ocean? How frequently would you need to eat? If Spider-Man's webbing is as strong as real spider's silk, could it support his weight as he swings between buildings? Jim Kakalios’ Seminar “The Uncanny Physics of Superhero Comics" draws examples from the four-color pages of comic books, along with recent Hollywood movies, to illustrate basic physical principles such as forces and motion, conservation of energy, electricity and magnetism and elementary quantum mechanics.