3rd Grade Room 33 Mrs. Dusing Welcome Back 3rd Grade Room 33 Mrs. Dusing
*One warning will be given before a color change is administered.* Hallway Procedures Walk down the right side of the hallway on the green colored tiles facing forward. Keep your hands by your side, behind you back, in front of you or in your pockets. Do NOT touch anyone or anything on the walls. Voices are OFF. You may wave quietly to say “hi” to a friend or adult. *One warning will be given before a color change is administered.*
*Students may complete the task the teacher gives. Bathroom Procedures Students will make two lines. One for the boys and one for the girls. Wait until the teacher calls your name or gestures for you to go in. Do NOT automatically go in the bathroom when a student comes out. Use the bathroom properly and quietly. Wash your hands using 2 squirts of soap. Dry your hands and put the paper towel in the garbage can. You may get a drink of water. Then sit quietly in the designated area of the hall in line order. Remember voices are OFF. You may wave quietly to say “hi” to a friend or adult. *Students may complete the task the teacher gives. *One warning will be given before a color change is administered.*
Morning Procedures Walk into the building quietly. Walk down the right side of the hallway on the green colored tiles to your classroom. You may get breakfast first, if needed. Find your name by the coat hooks to place your belongings. Please make sure your backpack is zipped up and closed. Take EVERYTHING out of your book bag that you need for class (school folders, school books, snack, notes, library books, planner, homework). Bring your lunch inside. Please change into your gym shoes in the morning for gym.
*One warning will be given before a color change is administered.* Bell Work Procedures *Music will be playing* Please put H for hot lunch or C for cold lunch on lunch poster. If you have a note or any money that needs to be turned in, place it in the “Teacher Note basket”. Place your homework in the homework basket. Be sure your NAME is on your papers. Put your red folder in your mailbox. Place your planner open on your desk. Copy the Assignment Planner and keep on desk until teacher checks signature. Read the board for your morning assignments. Take out your “Privacy Folder.” Work quietly and do not disturb others. Remember your voices are off during bell work. *One warning will be given before a color change is administered.*
Dismissal Procedures Be sure your assignments have been copied into your student planner. Record your behavior “color” for the day. Get the “color” initialed if needed. The teacher must check your planner before leaving. When the teacher calls you to pack up, get your mail first and put it on the “Keep at Home” side of your folder or “Return to School” side of your folder. Then get your coat and book bag to pack up. Sit quietly in your seat until you are called to line up. Remember, voices are off.
Pencil Challenge!!! Each student will start the week with 6 pencils. We will not sharpen pencils during the week, it is your responsibility to keep track of your pencils. On Fridays you will leave your 6 pencils on your desk for the teachers to sharpen. If you have all 6 pencils at the end of the week you will receive a small prize! If you do not have all 6 pencils at the end of the week you will not receive a prize. If you are missing any pencils I will replenish your bag.
Carpet Procedures When your name, team, or row is called, stand quietly and push in your chair. Walk quietly to the carpet and sit in rows of five students. The first person in each row will sit on the right side. Sit quietly keeping your hands and feet to yourself. Your voices are off during carpet time. *One warning will be given before a color change is administered.*
Getting Attention Procedures The teacher will raise her hand. The students will quiet down immediately and listen for directions. The teacher will count down from 10. The students will quiet down and listen for directions by the time the teacher gets to 1. The teacher will clap to a beat. The students will clap to repeat the beat. Then the students will quiet down immediately and listen for directions. The teacher will count slowly to three. By the time the teacher gets to the number three, all voices should be off and student should listen for directions. 5. The teacher will say, “If you hear my voice . . .”
Getting Attention Procedures 5 fingers or hand- I have a question. One finger-I need a pencil or to sharpen my colored pencils. I need supplies. Two fingers-I need a drink. Three fingers-I need a tissue. Thumbs up-I wish to use the bathroom. Some examples of supplies include paper or a book. If you may need to throw something away, make a good choice on your way to not distract others; take the best path.
Procedures for Sharing or Asking Questions Stay in your seat or assigned area and raise your hand quietly. Patiently wait for permission from the teacher before you begin to speak. Speak loud enough for the teacher to hear you or ask if you can speak to the teacher privately.
Getting into line Procedures When your name, row, number or team is called, stand quietly and push in your chair. The line leader will begin the line by the sink. The other students will line up in “Line Order.” Remember voices are OFF and hands are either by your side, in front, behind your back, or in your pockets. *One warning will be given before a color change is administered.*
Transition Procedures The teacher will give a set of directions to be followed. The teacher will turn off the lights and raise a hand and then the students raise their hands and voices are off. The teacher will count down 10, 9, 8 and so on. The timer will go off and a certain amount of time will be set and you should be in a “good listening” position with work to the side of your desk. *One warning will be given before a color change is administered.*
*One warning will be given before a color change is administered.* CLASSROOM RULES Treat yourself, the school, and others with respect Talk and listen at appropriate times Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Remain on task and complete work on time Follow all directions the first time they are given Raise your hand to speak *One warning will be given before a color change is administered.*
Hopping to great expectations This helps to manage responsibility and minor behaviors. The students have a frog with their number on it and it is on a START Lily Pad. The student’s goal is stay on the lily pad. The student hops if they are: unprepared for class on a color change missing homework not completing their morning work out of their seat without permission talking when the teacher is talking shouting out