Using/Modifying the visuals What is in this file? This file contains timelines for 2-24 months.. Select the timeline that matches your need. Using/Modifying the visuals To copy the visual to another slide: Click on table border to Select entire table; Press Ctrl+C to copy; go to the slide you want the visual on; Press Ctrl+V to paste To change divider lines: Click on table border to Select entire table; Change Pen Color, Thickness, or Style on Table Tools – Design ribbon to desired look; Set Internal Borders, Left Border, and Right Border To change the time period labels: Click in each cell and edit the text To change the font of the time period labels: Select all the cells in the first row; Select font face, size and style To restore each column to equal widths if one gets resized: Click on table border to Select entire table; Click the Distribute Columns button on the Table Tools – Layout ribbon To resize the entire timeline: Use the resizing handles on each side of the entire table (make sure the cursor changes to the double block arrow cursor and is not the double line with arrows cursor) Usage policy You can use these slides and the visuals for your own presentations, including commercial presentations, without attribution. You cannot sell or give away these slides or visuals as your own or as part of a collection or package that you distribute. If you want others to know about and use these slides and visuals, direct them to While efforts have been made to insure accuracy, these slides are presented “as-is” and no warranty is given or implied as to the accuracy of the information. User assumes all risks in using the content of this file. Copyright 2016 by Dave Paradi of All rights reserved.
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