ADS54J60EVM, TSW14J10EVM and KC705 Test
Test setup
ADS54J60 Test Setup: Single tone is given as input to the device. Test conditions: Fs = internal 983.04Msps Fin =150MHz on CHB only. The KC705 did not route the lanes used by CHA on the ADC EVM LMF = 4211 TSW14J10 and KC705
Copy provided “ADS54J60_LMF_2211.ini” to location shown below
Using ADS54Jxx EVM GUI, load the following for the LMK
Next, select the file below to configure the ADS54J60 registers.
In LMK04828 Clock Outputs tab, change the following: 1 In LMK04828 Clock Outputs tab, change the following: 1. Change CLKout 0 and 1 DCLK Divider to 6 2. Change CLKout 12 and 13 DCLK Divider to 12 3. Unselect Group Powerdown from CLKout 12 and 13 4. Set CLKout 12 and 13 DCLK Type to “LVDS”. GUI shall look as shown below
ADS54J60 CHB 150MHz IF
Open HSDC Pro GUI, select “ADS54J60_LMF_2211”, set the ADC Ouput Data Rate to 983.04M, then click on “Capture”.