Energy Year 2017 Electricity Updated 9.11.2018 Finnish Energy
Electricity Consumption 85.4 TWh year 2017 (+0.4%) 9.11.2018
Changes of Electricity Consumption (+0.3 TWh change 2016-2017) 9.11.2018
Peak Load of Electricity Maximum MW/h 9.11.2018
Electricity Supply Hourly in Yearly Peak Load Day 5.1. 9.11.2018
Electricity Consumption 2017 (85.4 TWh) 9.11.2018
Electricity Consumption of Industry 39.9 TWh year 2017 (+0.6%) 9.11.2018
Change of Industrial Electricity Consumption 2016-2017 9.11.2018
Electricity Consumption in Finland and Imports 2017 (85.4 TWh) 9.11.2018
Electricity by Energy Source 2017 (85.4 TWh) 9.11.2018
Variation of Electricity Production and Imports in 2017 9.11.2018
Electricity Generation by Energy Source 2017 (65.0 TWh) Renewables: 47 % Carbon dioxide free: 80 % Domestic: 52 % 9.11.2018
Electricity Generation with Coal, total of moving 12 months 9.11.2018
Electricity generation in Nordic market area 2017 Renewable 69 % Carbon dioxide free 90 % Area in total 414 TWh 149 TWh 65 TWh Hydro power Nuclear power Wind power Fossil fuels Biomass Other Source: ENTSO-E, Statistical Factsheet 2017 (provisional values as of 4 May 2018) 11 TWh 29 TWh 159 TWh 25.12.2018
Generation of Hydropower Average year 9.11.2018
Generation and Capacity of Wind Power Capacity grew 512 MW in year 2017 Hourly generation capacity: - max. 1773 MW - min. 1 MW - average 547 MW. 9.11.2018
Generation and Capacity of Condensing Power *Source: Statistics Finland, Energy 2016 table service, table 3.5 9.11.2018
Generation and Capacity of CHP in District Heating *Source: Statistics Finland, Energy 2016 table service, table 3.5 9.11.2018
Generation and Capacity of CHP in Industry *Source: Statistics Finland, Energy 2016 table service, table 3.5 9.11.2018
Imports and Exports of Electricity 9.11.2018
Electricity Net Imports 20.4 TWh year 2017 9.11.2018
Value of Electricity Generation in Finland Value of electricity generation in Finland is based on: Yearly electricity generation in Finland Yearly Elspot prices in Finland (NordPool) 9.11.2018
CO2-emissions of Power Generation EU-28, in 2014: 276 g CO2 / kWh Source: EEA CO2-emissions 6.2 Mt in 2017 9.11.2018
Total Price of Household Electricity Including Taxes Relative to Purchasing Power Standard (consumption 2500-5000 kWh per year) 2. semester 2017, EU countries + Iceland and Norway 9.11.2018
Total Price of Household Electricity Including Taxes (consumption 2500-5000 kWh per year) 2. semester 2017, EU countries + Iceland and Norway 9.11.2018
Number of Electric Vehicles and Plug-in Hybrid Cars in Vehicle Stock 9.11.2018