Project Manager: Brietta Perez Assistant Project Manager: Mujahid Hussein GIS Analysts: Jeffrey Cuevas and Nick Waters
Tree Planting in Austin, Texas An Analysis of the Austin Community Tree Program
Outline Introduction Task 1: Canopy growth and significance testing Task 2: CO2 and energy benefit totals Task 3: Extrapolation Conclusion
Task 1: Canopy Growth Work Completed Found the total canopy growth and reduction in the neighborhood planning areas as a whole Reduction subtracted from growth to account for canopy that disappeared between 2006 and 2010 Percentage of 16.5% overall tree canopy growth from 2006 to 2010 Sample map of Old West Austin neighborhood
Task 1: Canopy Growth Current and Future Work Current: plan visual representation, including data display and aesthetics Future: finalize and implement consistent layout for each neighborhood in the map book, to include: Map page for each neighborhood Locator map Neighbor labels
Task 1: Significance Testing Find out statistically weather there is a significant increase in canopy growth Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Paired sampling Data not normally distributed Two sample sets: areas of canopy extent in each neighborhood in 2006 and 2010 Critical value of 0.05 Final decision to be presented in the final deliverables
Task 2: CO2 and Energy Benefit Totals Work Completed Total CO2 sequestered and energy conserved/delivery address/year: Assumed 1 in. tree trunk diameter (National Tree Benefit Calculator) CO2 or kWh * tree type (e.g. large broadleaf deciduous) = Total CO2 or kWh/address/year (e.g., Total Large Broadleaf Deciduous CO2 lbs. sequestered in one year at one address) Total CO2 sequestered and energy conserved/delivery 2006-2015: Initial data updated to 2014; added one year to total years in ground (Years in Ground + 1) * Total CO2 or kW h/address/year = Total CO2 or kW h/address/2006-2015 No longer conducting significance testing: necessary data unavailable
Task 2: CO2 and Energy Benefit Totals Planning Area Total CO2 in Pounds Total Energy in kWh’s Coronado Hills 8,696 3,532 Crestview* 27,540 10,800 East Cesar Chavez 7,580 3,400 East Congress 14,130 5,306 Franklin Park 10,890 4,524 McKinney 5,034 2,079 Montopolis* 25,152 10,590 N. Austin Civic Assn. 10,620 4,244 Old West Austin 10,152 4,293 Rosewood 14,448 5,008 St. John 2,016 880 Sweetbriar 9,982 3,724 West Congress 16,842 6,650 Wooten 9,020 3,270 Totals 173,034 68,657
Task 2: CO2 and Energy Benefit Totals Current and Future Work Currently assessing best possible method for visually displaying benefit totals Point symbols, graduated color 2 series of maps: delivery locations showing CO2 and kWh totals (natural breaks) Finalize consistent layout for the CO2 and energy benefits sections of the map book, to include: Number of ACT trees delivered within each planning area Overall total lbs. and kWh’s as of 2015 Locator map Neighbor labels
Task 3: Extrapolation Performed extrapolation to find canopy growth representative of 2015 and 2025 Assumed a tree canopy growth of one square foot per year Tree delivery data representative of 2014 Total amount of trees in a neighborhood multiplied by the field “years in ground” in order to assign a starting canopy extent value in square feet Total canopy extent provided by ACT trees in 2014 was 20,405 ft2
Task 3: Extrapolation One year = one square foot of canopy growth; can simply extrapolate by multiplying the number of years we want to predict 1 year was added to the “years in ground” field to represent 2015 Canopy extent in 2015 = 24,908 ft2 11 years were added to the “years in ground” field to represent 2025 Canopy extent in 2025 = 69,938 ft2
Extrapolation Results Planning Area Total Trees Years in Ground (2014) Years in Ground (2015) Years in Ground (2025) Canopy Extent (2014) Canopy Extent (2015) Canopy Extent (2025) N. Austin Civic Association 749 1 2 12 749 ft2 1,498 ft2 8,988 ft2 Wooten 134 9 10 20 1,206 1,340 2,680 Crestview 408 3,672 4,080 8,160 St. John 68 3 4 14 204 272 952 Coronado Hills 307 921 1,228 4,298 Old West Austin 175 8 19 1,400 1,575 3,325 Rosewood 253 7 18 1,771 2,024 4,554 E. Cesar Chavez 231 5 15 924 1,155 3,465 Montopolis 598 6 16 2,990 3,588 9,568 McKinney 13 462 693 3,003 Franklin Park 497 994 1,491 6,461 East Congress 295 17 1,770 2,065 5,015 West Congress 347 2,082 2,429 5,899 Sweetbriar 210 1,260 1,470 3,570 Totals 4503 20,405 ft2 24,908 ft2 69,938 ft2 Future work will consist of adding extrapolation results per neighborhood planning area to the map book.
Time Table Data processing actually completed very shortly after proposal presentation Data analysis took four weeks rather than three because of the need to revise methodology and recalculate In all, left with one week than initially planned for interpretation and production of deliverables Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Starting Date 8/ 24 31 9/ 21 28 10/ 19 26 11/ 16 11/ 23 Data Collection Data Preprocessing Data Analysis Interpretation and Deliverables
Conclusion On track to submit all deliverables by November 30, 2015 Question over which methodology to use for canopy growth extrapolation to balance accuracy and efficiency (time constraints) Base on NTBC leaf surface area (LSA) calculation? Base on assumption of 1 foot growth per year? Decided to base on assumption of 1 ft. growth per year No longer conducting significance testing for Task 2 Transitioning from data analysis to planning and implementing visual display Map book in three parts: series of map pages featuring canopy growth, CO2 sequestration, and energy conservation