Demonstrating Emission Reductions Conor Fox, Clioma Ltd. Stove Camp 2012 Lilongwe
Gold Standard 613 Stakeholder Consultation 2008 Baseline 2009 Validation 2009 Registration 2010 First Verification 2010 First credits issued 2011
Baseline Situation before rolling out improved cook stoves. For Chitetezo Mbaula baseline and follow-up survey was conducted in Balaka in 2009 with 252 households. Before 2.561 tonnes / HH / year After 1.566 tonnes / HH / year Savings of 995 kgs / HH / year
Serial Number District / Organisation / Group or Kiln / Stove Etched in before firing the stove Where should it be positioned?
Sales record Name Village GVH STA / TA Telephone (if they have one) Demo date (?) Signed ER contract
Emission Reduction Contract Informed consent Transfer legal ownership to project / company in recognition of effort made for access to cleaner energy Willing to be audited Signed by end-user and agent
Surveys & Monitoring Monitoring surveys - to see how stoves are being used, fuel, seasonal factors etc. every 6 months - 1 year Usage surveys annual Fuel tests every 2 years (WBT, KPT or CCT) Sustainable development indicators every 2 years - jobs, skills, aid quality, clay extraction management
Verification Normally annual GS 613 October Traceability of stoves is key Database matches ER contracts Monitoring report Prevent double counting and If in doubt be conservative or underestimate your results.