Western Civilization I The Ancient Near East Mesopotamian Religion
Ziggurat of Ur. Ca 2100 BCE.
Giza, Pyramids. Ca 2600-2100 BCE.
https://oi.uchicago.edu/museum-exhibits Sumerian statues (ca 2500 BCE), 10-50 cm high. Chicago, Oriental Institute.
Ram in the Thicket. Ur. Mid 3d mill BCE. Lyre. Ur. Ca 2650 - 2550 B.C. The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
wikipedia Priests carrying a festival barque in a relief from the Temple of Ramesses II (13th cent BCE).
Ritaroberts's Blog - WordPress.com Late Minoan Hagia Triada Sarcophagus with detail of opposite side (14th century BCE). Herakleion Archaeological Museum.
Law Code of Hammurabi (1792-1749), 2.2 m high. Paris, Louvre.
Etruscan model liver. Piacenza, Museo Civico. Origin story from the Enûma Eliš Apsu (sweet primeval waters) + Tiamat (salt primeval waters) Lahmu ("slime," "mud") + Lahamu ("silt") Anshar ("whole sky") + Kishar ("whole earth”) Anu ("sky") + Ki (“earth”) http://philosophika.cabanova.com/files/24e4-5qzipbiw71c0-6enb2.jpg
Egypt: Giza and satellite image of the Nile Valley Wikipedia USGS Egypt: Giza and satellite image of the Nile Valley