Mrs. Townsend’s K/1 Combo Class Riverview STEM Academy 2018-2019 Please be sure to sign-in and type in your email address
A Little Bit About Me My background Sacramento State: BA, Multiple Subject Credential, & Masters in Curriculum and Instruction National Board Certified Teacher-Early Childhood Generalist Area 3 Writing Teacher Consultant FCUSD’s Teacher of the Year 2014 My experience This is my 16th year teaching!!! Experience teaching K, 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th grades PLTW Launch Lead Teacher
Our Daily Schedule Early Rocket Reading Instruction – letters, sounds, phonemic awareness, fluency, literature (fiction and nonfiction), poetry Morning Work– attendance, flag, calendar, weather, oral language, phonics Writer’s Workshop – genres include informative, narrative, and opinion Snack and Recess Math – daily Common Core aligned lessons targeting the five math domains Lunch and Recess Reader’s Workshop- whole class and small group reading instruction STEM – Project Lead the Way, AIMS, Bee Bots, earth, life, and physical sciences Social Studies – themes include citizenship, community, and our place in the world Active Learning – Child-initiated discovery activities which promote exploration and social interaction at learning centers; art, math, reading, writing, science, technology, imaginative play, building, etc. Pack up – retrieve papers from mailboxes, pack up belongings Early Rocket Dismissal Late Rocket Reading Instruction-see early rocket reading instruction Late Rocket Dismissal
Classroom Management Class Agreements Consequences: Behavior Log Listening Bodies Raised Hands Quiet Mouths Walking Feet Helping Hands Caring Hearts Class rewards for Right-on Rockets Consequences: Behavior Log Verbal warning first Think it over time Contact Home Student fills out “We Talked About a Rule” Sheet (with my help) Please talk about the event and sign Student returns the log to me the next day School Wide Positive Behavior Expectations Right–on Rockets (Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe)
Common Core State Standards Language Arts Reading Standards for Literature Reading Standards for Informational Text Reading Standards: Foundational Skills Writing Standards Speaking and Listening Standards Language Standards Math Counting and Cardinality (K only) Domains: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations in Base Ten Measurement and Data Geometry See Grade Specific Stapled Handouts
K/1 Curriculum Reading Early/Late Reading SIPPS(Foundational Skills) (phonemic awareness, phonics, guided spelling, Systematic Phonics, Fluency, Comprehension) Benchmark Advance ELA/ELD program (Phonics, Word Work, Literature and Informational text, Grammar, Writing) Reader’s Workshop (reading strategies, small group) Benchmark Advance High Frequency Words (K= 39 words 1st=124 words) Language Arts (Listening, Speaking, and Language Standards) Benchmark Advance ELA/ELD Program Daily 5 (Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Work on Writing, Word Work through these we are teaching independence)
K/1 Curriculum Writing Handwriting is Ball and Stick Print (see sample on website under Useful Resources) 3 Text Types Narrative Informative/Explanatory Opinion Shared & Independent Writing (prompts) Writer’s Workshop (3 text types) Narrative, Opinion, Informative/Explanatory
K/1 Curriculum Math enVision Math 16 Topics Common Core State Standards Mathematical Practices Handbook What does math homework look like? Leaflet (done in class) reteach/practice pages at home Enrichment Resources on class website Enrichment pages
K/1 Curriculum STEM Social Studies PLTW (Project Lead The Way) STEM-integrates science, technology, engineering and math 4 modules Engineering It’s Elementary Bee Bots (coding) AIMS Social Studies Rule-making process Symbols Community Maps & Globes Time History (Then & Now) Kinder First Structure & Function: Exploring Design Pushes & Pulls Animals & Algorithms Structure & Function: Human Body Light & Sound Light & Sound: Observing the Sun, Moon, & Stars Animal Adaptations Animated Storytelling
P.E., Tech, & Library P.E. Specialist Days: Monday & Tuesday – wear athletic shoes! Tech Time– TBA Library – TBA
Active Learning Important part of our core curriculum. In our classroom you will find centers focused on various areas, including math, writing, reading, art and creativity, technology, science, dramatic play, puzzles, ABCs, and play dough. You may also see students working with other students or working/playing alone. Active Learning time offers children valuable time to practice the skills they have learned at a teacher-directed station or center. Students have opportunities for problem-solving, cooperating with others, practicing social skills, or working on fine motor skills. Active Learning time also provides valuable opportunities for me to make observations, perform assessments, or work with individuals or small groups.
Report Cards Students in Folsom Cordova Unified are formally evaluated three times per year. Mandatory conferences will be held in November (end of first trimester) and optional, teacher-initiated conferences are held in the spring. The following criteria are used on the report card: Teacher observation Written tests (all subject areas) Student writing and other assignments Reading and Math unit exams Oral reading passage progress (fluency, accuracy, comprehension) Sight word recognition Reading strategies Individual and group participation Performance, attitude, citizenship, and effort Neatness, accuracy, and completion of in-class work and homework.
School Business Student Code of Conduct Safety Plans Link to copy on school and district website Pages 10-13 in file Please review reasons for Suspensions and Expulsions suspensions and expulsions Safety Plans Fire Earthquake Lockdown Evacuation: Our Evacuation site is Peter J. Shields Elementary (If we evacuate, you will be notified)
PERSONAL PROPERTY – Do not bring it to school. THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR STUDENTS' DAMAGED OR LOST PERSONAL PROPERTY. Toys, balls, music players, electronic devices, stuffed animals, party invitations, or any personal property are not to be brought to school, unless requested by the student's teacher. 1st offense = Confiscation and returned at end of day. 2nd Confiscation = Parent pick-up. 3rd Confiscation = Return last day of school.
Phones, pagers, and technology devices shall: 1. Be turned off and placed out of sight during the instructional time of the school day (class time, passing periods, and recess) and at any other time when directed by a District employee. 2. Not disrupt the educational program or school activity. If the device is used at an inappropriate time, it may be confiscated. If a school employee finds it necessary to confiscate a device, he/she will give the device to school administration so that the parent can be notified. A parent/guardian will be required to pick up the device from the school. A student who violates this policy may be restricted from possessing a personal electronic signaling device at school or school-related events. 3.The school takes no responsibility for the loss or damage of such devices.
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade Early – Late Session 8:25 – 1:52 AM Session 12 Students 24 Students 12 Students 9:10 – 2:37 PM Session
1st and 2nd grade Early/Late And BASE Program BASE Program Extended Day 1:52-2:37 8:25 – 1:52 AM Session 12 Students 24 Students 12 Students BASE Program Extended Day 8:25–9:10 9:10 – 2:37 PM Session
Riverview School-wide Positive Behavior Support Program Anti-Bullying Program Second Step B.E.S.T. Building Effective Schools Together Positive Behavior Support – B.E.S.T. Right-On Rockets Tickets to reward positive behavior Riverview Rockets Are: Respectful, Responsible, Safe Recognition Assemblies Behaviorist Support Systematic Supervision Training for all staff Social and Emotional support with district MFT’s and Social workers.
Traffic, Safety, and “Getting the Day off to a good start.” Pull up to within 18” of the curb to load and unload from the curbside Don’t leave car unattended in the yellow or red zones. If you are going to leave your car unattended, park it on the street or in the parking lot. Pull forward to the yellow zone to drop off or pick up Do not double park to pick up or drop off
Don’t leave cars unattended in the yellow or red zones.
Pull up to within 18” of the curb
Pull forward to the yellow zone to drop off or pick up
For the safety of the children Do not double park to pick up or drop off
Contact Information School Web Site: Parent/Student Handbook available-online Parent Rights and Responsibility-online Student Conduct Code-online Principal email: Office Phone: 916-294-2435
Absences, Tardies, & Early Dismissals Call the office Missed work will be in student mailboxes (students have one day for each day missed to complete make-up work) Independent Study: Absent more than 5 school days Get the form before the absence from the office I will compile work and send it home the day before the absence start date Please have work completed upon return to school Tardies After 8:25 (early workers) and after 9:10 (late workers) get Late Slip from office before coming to classroom Early Dismissals Sign child out in office (office will call classroom to let teacher know to send child up to office for early dismissal)
Friday Folders These come home each Friday and are VERY important. We try to send all school flyers and communication from the office in the blue Friday Folder. Please make sure you review all the material in the folder each Friday, keep what needs to stay home, and then have your child bring the blue Friday Folder back to school on Monday or Tuesday.
Class Business Backpacks Birthdays large enough to hold 9”x12” folders, other papers, and work that will come home. For safety and storage reasons, backpacks with wheels are not preferred. Please look through and empty your child’s backpack each day. Birthdays Nut-free treats welcome (store bought & packaged only ~no food that’s cooked or prepared at home. State law: food has to be prepared in a state approved kitchen), please no drinks, bring napkins & enough for 24 students Invitations (parent/guardian delivers outside of class unless the whole class is invited)
Class Business Communication PowerSchool Parent Portal: log-in information Parent Conferences week of November 13-16 Grades: Meets, Developing, Limited Proficiency Schoolwires Webpage Class newsletters will be blind copy e-mailed to you if you’d like Best way to communicate with me is through e-mail Shutterfly: school information, class pictures, sign-up sheets, etc. will be posted to our class Shutterfly page.
Class Business Daily Snack vs. Lunch Donations Snacks: please label and place in grade level basket outside room before start of school day Kinder students we recommend bringing a lunch from home for the first two weeks of school School Lunch pay online at Donations $75 one time donation by September 1st should greatly help fund the costs to attend fieldtrips Cash or checks made out to Riverview STEM Academy (“Room 18 Trips” in the subject line) Classroom supplies as needed (I’ll post needed supplies on Shutterfly)
Class Business Dress & Dress Code Please label all coats, jackets, sweaters, hats, lunch boxes, water bottles, etc. with your child’s name. Good idea to keep a spare change of clothes in a labeled bag in your child’s backpack. Shoes and/or sandals with straps (good for running, jumping, climbing, etc.) Dress code see parent/student handbook
Class Business Field Trips K/1 Fog Willow Pumpkin Farm Explor-it And a couple of other ones in the spring TBD Kinder Play at Harris Center or Crest Theater 1st grade Powerhouse *Chaperones must have Volunteer Category II status. (See Office for details) NO Siblings allowed on field trips Kindly requesting NO posting of pictures on social media other than our class Shutterfly page.
Class Business Homework Folder (silver O.W.L folder) Homework weekly Sent home Monday due on Friday Reinforces and supports work in class (may seem easy at first but builds in complexity and skill) Reading Log (reading comprehension skills) Math page (1 double-sided page per night M-TH) Should take about 10-15 min per night to finish (not including reading) Read with you or to you for a minimum of 10-15 minutes Homework for the first 2 weeks Getting to know you bags
Class Business P.E. Star Student of the Week PE specialist days are Mondays & Tuesdays. Please send your child to school dressed in appropriate clothes and shoes on those days so that s/he can actively participate in PE. Water bottles with a leak proof lid are helpful to have as well. Star Student of the Week (aka “Camper of the Week”) In the bag: poster, estimation jar, photos, favorite book, one item to share, class mascot’s journal see folder in Star Student bag for more specific info
I’m looking forward to a wonderful year! Volunteers Must have Category II status (TB & Fingerprints) Must sign in at office before coming to the classroom NO siblings in class or on field trips Fill out sign-up sheet if interested I’m looking forward to a wonderful year! Thank You!!!!