The 5th CJK IT Standards Meeting Status on CJK Standards Meeting Homepage Hello, My name id Koo Kyoung Cheol. I will be presenting you with the update on the status of CJK webpage. The 5th CJK IT Standards Meeting March 28 – 30, Tokyo Japan
Background At the previous CJK Meeting Each Organization’s CJK webpage link. CJK’s own homepage? Current Status CJK Plenary webpage established and linked. Working Groups’ webpage under construction.
CJK Web pages : Plenary Need to be Linked if not
CJK web pages : Working Group TTC NGN W/G : 1st, 2nd 3rd meeting (All Documents) b3G W/G : Under construction TTA NGN W/G : 1st meeting only b3G W/G : Under construction CCSA NGN W/G : Under construction b3G W/G : Under construction
Suggestion Individual CJK homepages that are linked
Global Standardization 谢谢 ありがとうございます 감사합니다 Global Standardization 5th CJK IT Standards Meeting Thank You