Paige Klem OR Consortium FIRE Paige Klem OR Consortium
OR Fire Statistics 550-650 surgical fires in US each year Common sources: 68%: Electrosurgical Equipment 13%: Lasers Common locations: 34%: Airway 28%: Head or Face 38%: Elsewhere 74% of cases had oxygen-enriched atmosphere as contributing factor
Homework review Facility Specific Where are your Fire Extinguishers? What type of Fire Extinguishers do you have? Where is your fire box? What is in your fire box? How do you call a Code Red?
Oxygen Fuel Heat (Oxidizer) (Ignition Source) Game
Oxygen Fuel Heat Acetone Aerosols Alcohol Based Skin Prep Blankets Dressings ET Tubes Gauze GI Tract Gases Gowns Nasal Cannula Ointment Oxygen Masks Patient’s Hair Surgical Drapes The Patient Tourniquet Cuffs Oxygen Fuel Heat (Oxidizer) (Ignition Source) Nitrous Oxide 02 Tank Oxygen Room Air Argon Beam Coagulator Defibrillator Pads Drills Electricity ESU (Electrosurgical Unit) Fiberoptic Light Source Heated Probe Hot Surfaces Lasers
Dry powder: A, b, c Alcohol Prep Computer Drapes Electrical Cord Energized Electrical Equipment Flammable Liquids Paper Petroleum Jelly Plastics Sponges Never Use This Kind in the OR Now, reassign all of these items to a different category
Water: A Drapes Paper Sponges *Airway- Use water only*
Co2: b Alcohol Prep Computer Electrical Cord Energized Electrical Equipment Flammable Liquids Petroleum Jelly
Foam: a, b Alcohol Prep Drapes Flammable Liquids Paper Petroleum Jelly Sponges
Wet chemical: A, f Drapes Grease Paper Sponges
references c3a/1473793352762/SEA_29.PDF